My vicious relationship with a married man

My vicious relationship with a married man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Irina, I am 40 years old, I work as a teacher in a kindergarten. Six years ago I had aaffair with the father of one of the children. I have been taking care of Mashenka (let’s call this child that) since she was three years old, she is a very good and smart girl. I knew her mom very well, but I rarely saw her dad. He worked two jobs for them.

Six years ago, just a week before my vacation, I decided to tidy up my group’s playground and asked my parents to come and help. A lot of parents came, we quickly got it done, everyone went away, and I stayed to clean up, and then he appeared at the door of the group: tall, dark-haired, slightly pumped up. I thought thatthe guy made a mistake, and then I remembered him, it was Vyacheslav, Mashin’s dad.

He smiled and asked: “I’m probably late, sorry,a neighbor asked me to help with the pipes,” I replied: “No problem, we’ve already finished, I’m going home.” At that moment he decided to pass by and our eyes met. I am for my years, for my unsuccessfulmarriage , never have I felt such attraction, I just melted.

I walked ahead, couldn’t stand it, turned around and said, “I see you’re driving today, can you give me a lift?” He nodded, we drove off, and stopped at a cafe on the way. God, how I reproached myself, but I couldn’t do anything, I was drawn to this man like a magnet. I told him everything, about my unsuccessful marriage and that I lost my child 5 years ago. He didn't say anything, just sat there, looked into my eyes and gently stroked my hand.

In the morning he left, and I sat and cried, I blamed myself, I blamed everyone around me, but not Slava, I idolized him. At the end of the week, I received a text message from Slava with an offer to spend my vacation together. I thought for a long time, and then agreed, what do I have to lose?

We spent two weeks in the boarding house, these were unforgettable, the best days of my life. I forgot about that little nuance that hemy ward's father , what does he have?family , I forgot everything. “Paradise” was interrupted by an SMS from his wife, who arrived early in the morning. Slava’s face changed, he quickly got ready and was, as they say, gone in English, without saying goodbye.

I didn’t call him and didn’t expect a call. To be honest, I wasn’t very worried about the breakup, but the closer the end of the vacation approached, the worse it became. I was afraid to look into the eyes of his wife, Mashenka, I was afraid of what I would do if he brought a child? After returning from vacation, I found out that Masha was taken away until the end of the summer, and that they would have a secondchild . This means what was written in that SMS from which he ran away like he was scalded.

I mentally wished their future baby health, and a month later I found out that a little man, Slava’s child, also lived inside me. At first I wanted to have an abortion, it was somehow unpleasant, but then I thought and decided that perhaps this was the last chancegive birth to a baby. On time, she gave birth to a son, Dimochka. When the baby was 2 months old, I brought him to the clinic for an examination, and there I met Slava’s wife. We started talking, they also have a boy, his name is Danya.

Marina (that’s his wife’s name) and I became friends and started going for walks together. In five years they became best friends. From her I learned that they divorced even before the child was born, he left for someone else. How I felt sorry for her. At first I wanted to tell you that DimkaSlavik’s son , but then I changed my mind, why? My son became friends with Dannik, they go for walks together, we enrolled them in the same class. And Marinka and I are on good terms, she helps us a lot.

This is how we live - two women of one man. Thank you for reading myconfession _ Excuse me!

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