My wife is 13 years older than me

My wife is 13 years older than me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In our society there is an opinion thatthe man must be older than the woman or at least the same age. I am just the exception to the rule, which greatly surprised my friends and upset my parents. Yes, I made them so angry that they even stopped communicating with me. They said that I disgraced them. And my friends chuckle good-naturedly and say that they didn’t expect this from me.

I have a higher education, I work, I support myself. I never asked my parents for money, and I also helped them. They were proud of such a son who achieved everything on his own, becauseOur family has never been rich. You could even say poor. Mother works as a kindergarten teacher,father is a driver. Their salaries were barely enough to live on. They didn’t want to earn extra money like other parents or change jobs, but I didn’t blame them for that! I didn’t use my friend’s mother as an example, who from an ordinary engineer retrained to become an accountant and still works in a foreign company. My friend always had something that I didn’t even dare to dream about. I bought myself a bicycle,, when I found a part-time job in my first year.

I met girls, but was in no hurry to take a serious step. But when I met Olya, I immediately decided that this was my futurewife ​She is a successful person, director of an advertising agency and 13 years older than me. But it’s not about money, I myself am a wealthy and self-sufficient person - I just fell in love with her at first sight.

She is divorced and has no children. We immediately got married and started living together. I wanted to introduce her to my parents, but they called her an old woman. I decided that it’s not worth it yet.

Our family is already five years old. I'm happy, my wife and I are always on the same page. We have something to talk about, we share working moments. With my peers, I only listened to posts on social networks, about girlfriends who don’t know how to dress and parents who are behind the times. Boring. The wife doesn’t look her age, she’s energetic and self-confident, she doesn’t try to pump up her lips with silicone and paint her eyebrows two fingers thick.

Our familyhappiness darkensthe attitude of my parents towards Olya and towards me. This really worries and upsets me. I communicate with them, although it is difficult to withstand groundless, unconstructive criticism of my wife, whom, by the way, they have never seen. They constantly say that if I married a young girl, like all normal guys, they would already be babysitting their grandchildren. Olya cannot have children due to her health, which is why she divorced her ex-husband. I also want children, but I resigned myself because... I don’t think that children are the only and obligatory meaning of life. I have a beloved woman, and that’s enough for me. But I would like the people close to me to accept and respect my choice.

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