My husband doesn't trust me with money

My husband doesn't trust me with money
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Married 7 years, yesdaughter . Everything was fine untilMy husband didn't change jobs. Apparently, the example of new colleagues showed that one should not give one’s salary to one’s wife. I'm shocked, how to live now?

At the very beginning of family life, it was decided that I would manage the money. It was the same with our parents. The husband agreed then, even suggested it himself, so as not to have to deal with everyday life. And now I decided that if he hadmoney , then during this time he would have accumulated a large amount. He doesn’t understand how much it costs to live with three people, go on vacation, buy a car and an apartment. And I planned all this. Yes, he earned much more, but I was able to manage everything wisely. Situations with money used to be different, but I always saved diligently and even managed to save a little for a rainy day, as they say. Of course, sometimes I had to borrow money, but there were no late payments or other troubles.

And now I have such distrust from the outsidehusband . He did not give me this salary, I said nothing, but put the shopping list on the table. This is what I will do nowevery day . And if he thought that he would give me a penny and then demand a report, then he was deeply mistaken. He will do the shopping himself and pay the bills. If I couldn’t get through to his common sense, let him try to run the household on his own. She told his parents that theymy son decided to take up financial reform of our family. Let them know what's going on with us.

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