My husband doesn't want to work to support his family

My husband doesn't want to work to support his family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’m 21, he’s 25, we’ve known each other for 6 years, 4 of them together, and we’ve been married for a little over 2 years. We live with my mother, we have a child, our daughter is six months old.

Firstly, we have a problem with the family budget. My husband works privately and earns good wagesmoney , and we always don’t have it, we live constantly on my mother’s salary all together. I can't plan a budget because he never says how much he received, when he will receive it next, etc. To all my questions about this, something incomprehensible is said, I don’t understand anything and I’m afraid to take money again, because I think, now I’ll go to the market, spend it, and what if next time he gets it only in a month?

He will never have time to bring the money, and in a couple of days it will be gone. He asks his mother for the trip, doesn’t buy anything for home, when I ask where the money went, he starts talking nonsense, but in the end it turns out that he is so correct and economical, and I’m just finding fault with him.

It often happens that my daughter and I sit for several days in a row without a penny in the house, if we need something, we have to drag ourselves to our mother’s work and take money from her. He and I constantly talk about this topic, I explain it all to him both in good ways and in bad ways, I yell at him, and nothing changes, everything is like peas against a wall.

Recently we had another showdown: he received almost $100 for cleaning the pool, which in our money is quite a decent amount, you can live on it for an average of 2 weeks. We agreed to save $ for the winter, because his work is bad in the winter. A couple of days later I saw that there was no money again, I interrogated him at night, he said that there were $ in the table, and in the morning I reached into the table, they were not there. I came to him, he began to get out of it, to compose something on the fly, and it always turns out that he works, that he doesn’t work, there is no difference.

Fine,Mom is there, but mom is not eternal, especially she is old, it’s already hard for her to work, another year and she’s going to retire. I generally receive a small salary; I don’t know how we will live. He doesn’t do anything for the child, doesn’t buy anything, doesn’t spend time with her. I don’t feel like we are one family, he is on his own, we are on our own. It feels like he lives only for himself. I am confused, I no longer know what to do, how to behave with him. I don’t know if there is a chance to fix everything or if such a relationship has no future?

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