My husband was disappointed in me and asked for a divorce

My husband was disappointed in me and asked for a divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I thought for a long time whether to write here or not, but suddenly my story will help someone. After readingconfession “I had an abortion and don’t regret it” and numerous comments to it, I want to write my story.

Now I'm completely alone. Yes, I have a higher education in the specialty in which I have been working for 13 years, I have a second higher education, which I received for a fee, because the state gives the right to receive a budget-funded education once. In general, I make good money and even managed to take out a mortgage, which I am successfully paying off, with a year left until repayment.

I got married at 30 and lived with my husband for 8 happy and bitter years. I recently experienced my fourth miscarriage! Moreover, the last time the baby died was at the 14th week, despite the fact that I was in care from the first day. The doctor simply told me to throw my baby in the trash can in the exam room. I couldn’t do this, I put my son in (for doctors it was a fetus, for meson ) in the tray.

I don’t know what should have done in this case, I left the hospital that same day, I simply said that I couldn’t stay here for a second, to whichThe doctor told me that if I die from sepsis or bleed to death, not to be hospitalized with them! My husband picked me up, we went to a normal clinic,My health was more or less restored, but that miscarriage was the beginning of the end. MyMy husband really wanted children, we started planning two years ago, I got pregnant right away, but, alas, everything failed in the early stages. I have no history of miscarriages or abortions, I am healthy, with the exception of thrombophilia, but now almost every fifth woman has it.

Our children were wanted and planned. We worked to provide the future baby with everything he needed. In general, my husband said that he loves me, but chooses to be happy, and that he needs a healthya wife who will bear him children. I let my husband go, but now there is such emptiness in my soul. Yesterday I adopted a homeless puppy. Maybe I could save someone's soul.

Girls , women, don't have abortions. I beg you. Protect yourself wisely, if force majeure occurs, do not kill yourselflife when there is already a little man there. And he feels everything.

I will not write any pro-lifer or childfish nonsense here. Just take care of yourself and your children.

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