The husband left for a barren girl

The husband left for a barren girl
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We started dating my husband while still in college. We lived together for 10 years and gave birth to a long-awaited daughter. He didn’t let her go, he got up at night, walked, and at home he could play with her for hours. I was treated for a long time before I was able to get pregnant, and that’s why we really valued our treasure.

But when the baby turned 5 years old,My husband stunned me - he packed his things and left. There were no prerequisites for this. No delays at work or incomprehensible financial expenses, no hints ofrelationship on the side. Unlimited trust andunderstanding . ANDlove , as I thought. But it turned out that everything was wrong. He explained that he did not want scandals, that he would help and participate in his daughter’s life, but he fell in love with another and would live with her.

Later it turned out that we have mutual friends. The city is small and everyone knows each other through someone. That's how I found out that thisThe girls have been diagnosed with infertility for many years. That it was precisely because of this that her first husband left her. And now my husband is leaving my daughter and me for her. I don't know if he's aware, and maybe it's worth warning him. The doctors said that I couldn’t give birth anymore, and he always wanted a big family. Perhaps he hopes for something there, so he left me.

I love him very much, I hope that he will come to his senses and I’m waiting. Six months have passed since he left, and during these six months he visited us very little. He comes a couple of times a month and says he works a lot. He helps with money, as promised, but my daughter needs itfather . She misses him very much and cries without him. He doesn’t understand why she suddenly became a stranger to him. My husband doesn't even want to take her for the weekend. He doesn’t explain anything and doesn’t want to talk to me either. I'm afraid that for the sake of this girl he will completely abandondaughter . OnI haven’t filed for divorce yet, I don’t know why he’s delaying. I won't do this myself. Perhaps we should do everything to save our family.

I just can’t bring myself to talk about her infertility or talk to her myself. My parents do not believe what is happening; they have always had a better opinion of their husband. And hisThe family stopped contacting me altogether. I don’t even know how to live further and how to relate to all this. We wanted to take another baby from the orphanage, we planned to expand our living space, there were so many plans, so much love in our family. I don't believe that all this is happening to me.

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