My wife hid the truth from me about buying a new car

My wife hid the truth from me about buying a new car
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Our family has a car. Not luxurious, but a decent foreign car. I always take my wife to work and pick her up from there. She has a license and takes the car whenever she needs it. Butmy wife decided that she needed her own car.

I tried to explain to her that this was not necessary, but she stood her ground. Not only is there no money for such a purchase, but there are also unnecessary expenses. I would understand if we didn’t have a car at all, but why spend so much? After all, there are othersproblems , such as purchasing more comfortable housing (we live in a one-room apartment).

The wife was offended and, with the help of her brother, bought a car incredit . At first she said thatHer parents gave her money , but I didn’t believe it. They have no savings; they live from paycheck to paycheck. They often asked us for help. Where did they suddenly get the money?

I decided to ask her father, and to my surprise, he confirmed this, talking about some kind of mythical inheritance. I didn’t believe it, but I pretended,, that I believed it. Then I began to notice that we did not have enough money for family needs, although we earned normal money. I noticed this in the products and realized that my wife had started saving. But not on yourself, but on nutrition. She herself still bought clothes and cosmetics.

I guessed that I had borrowed money from someone I knew, but I didn’t know how to find out. Don’t ask all your friends and relatives directly! But everything became clear even faster than I expected. I received an SMS from the bank about late payments addressed to me. At first I didn’t believe it, but when I read it, I found out that my wife wrote me and my contact number in the “guarantor” column.

My indignation knew no bounds. I showed her the SMS, my wife rolled her eyes, and then admitted that she had taken out a loan for the car. We quarreled, but it was also my fault that I didn’t give her money. But I simply don’t have them. If herfriends have their own cars, this does not mean that you need to go into huge debts and buy a foreign car, and even a new one. doesn't know what to do. I have some money in my account, I can pay off her loan, but I don’t want to. Not out of spite, but because there were plans to sell the apartment, report and buy at least a two-room apartment. How can you trust your wife after this? If notdaughter , would file fordivorce .

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