My wife cheated and I don’t know what to do

My wife cheated and I don’t know what to do
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got married early, even before the army, and only 10 years later I learned that while I was in the army,my wife succumbed to temptation and cheated on me with her former friend. After that, I started going for walks myself and did not forbid her, so that there would be no complaints against me. As a result, I also met a girl 14 years younger than me. We met, but my wife asked to stop meeting with her. I honestly tried to quit 3 times, and each time it didn’t work, especially since the girl had to be treated for a serious illness and she needed me more. She just didn’t want to continue living alone, although she haddaughter .

I went to live with Masha, we’ll call her that, she already had achild , but she had a fight with the child’s father and they didn’t get married. I lived without much knowledge of friends; there were drinking sessions, bathhouses, dubious vacation trips. She lied to me, but before I moved in with her, she changed dramatically. I quit drinking altogether, started going to church, living at home, for my sake, as it seemed to me, and for my own health.

We began to live together, she underwent treatment for a whole year, cut her hair, walked like a chicken, 2 courses of chemotherapy, radiation, another course of chemotherapy and recovered. Two years later they got married. Everything was fine, we didn’t argue often, and not too much. At first we went on vacation together, then she had agirlfriend . First, I let her go on holiday abroad with her child and a friend, then I went without the child, I went with friends. She began to drink. In general, as it seemed, everything was not bad, although sometimes it slipped through: “You pay little attention to me, but before everything was not like that.” Although everything was the same before and it could be worse, when he left his wife first, he withdrew into himself. I never thought that I could leave my wife, that this would happen to me, well, what’s done is done.

In the spring she came to me and said that a friend had found cheap tickets from St. Petersburg to China and back, only 9,000 rubles, will you let me go? Well, how could I refuse, since life happens at I let him go and paid for the tickets. While she was gone, the guys offered to go with them to Tunisia, and they also say we’ll pay for you, and then they’llGive me the money , Masha has already left, so you can rest. I agreed. In Tunisia, I realized that somehow I was avoiding people, and I decided, I’ll come and talk, that we need to be closer to each other, otherwise my wife already has long-term plans for the year. In October he wants to go to Riga, we saw that some of the big Buddhists are coming there, how you really need to be there! She has already traveled to Moscow a couple of times with a friend for Buddhist lectures.

When I arrived, I said: “let’s be closer to each other, more attentive, spend more time.” And she responded: “for so many years (married for 5 years) he did everything so that I could get used to being alone, and now I just can’t turn to you, let’s try, and I’ll see what comes of it.” To be honest, this answer simply discouraged me, so you got closer.

And after my arrival, I began to notice that Masha’s behavior had somehow changed, she was taking less care of the house, cooking occasionally, and some women’s secrets had appeared. Every evening, when we are almost asleep, some messages come on the phone, which she does not show, saying that this is a friend, this does not concern you, these are our women’s conversations. Again I was going to Moscow to visit Buddhists. She went and scolded her parents for being worried about her (she got involved with a sect). Yes, she yelled at them so much that now they are afraid to talk to her on the phone, and I got it - why did I tell them that I was going? And she and I don’t have any children together, she went and got checked and said that everything was normal, but she needed some treatment. I was going to St. Petersburg, supposedly a clairvoyant lives there and she needs to meet with her, and get checked by doctors for cancer markers. She values ​​her health so much that she doesn’t trust our doctors; she didn’t ask me for money. She warned me not to tell my mother and grandmother.

She came back and said everything was fine. I said that I won’t let her go anywhere anymore, I’m tired of her trips to Moscow, St. Petersburg, to which replied that she will definitely go once - she needs to do Schengen. The nightly text messages continued and I began to hunt for her phone. At one point I got to him. It turned out that the last two times she went to Moscow (not even to St. Petersburg) to see a young man, spent all her time with him, went to his village, was with him night and day. In general, I was completely screwed. I left home and live with friends. Later, when I found out about itdaughter , she told me thatMom didn’t spend the night at home when I was in Tunisia for several days. I dressed in the evening, left and came back only at 8 am, getting ready for work. In general, she hadnovel .

This of course hit me hard and I began to have trouble sleeping. It turned out that she had already booked tickets to India in December. The most important thing is that she believes that I will return, I am strong, I will forgive her, and we will live even better than before. She even sent me an SMS: “My beloved, tell me, we will be together, tell me, I’m going home. And I will give up Riga, I will not go to Moscow to do Schengen. And I won’t go to India, I’ll refuse non-refundable tickets, paid hotels, I’ll throw away my international passport, and we’ll go to our sea until the end, just love me. Just come back." In a reply SMS, I explained to her everything in detail, how we met, where I got her out of, how she cheated on me, how she abandoned her daughter alone and went somewhere, and that I could no longer trust her. I asked her not to call me again.

But she still answered me: “I would like to hug you and calm you down. You know I can. Only I can calm you down. There was no stranger in the house where YOUR CHILD WILL BE. What if I don't drink? How did you want it? Never ever. I can't do it alone, understand. I am weak. I need support, then I can move on. I really can't live without you. ANDOnly a strong person can forgive . And why think and remember the bad. We had so many good things. Do you remember the trip to Abkhazia? Everything was fine there. The first time YOU took me to the sea. There were a lot of good things. Don't cross it out, please. ANDa man who can forgive is the one who caresfamily and he is ready to give it a chance. Let's just try it. I don’t ask as before, but you can come and communicate, don’t disappear from our lives, let’s try to put everything back together. It may be made from pieces, but the pieces are first-class.”

My answer was: "giveforget all". I don't know what will happen next? What should I do? One is calmer, can I forgive and forget? Or every time I touch her I will remember the betrayal. Thank you for reading to the end, just one story among many others. All evil comes from women!

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