How I became a freelance photographer

How I became a freelance photographer
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Since childhood, I really liked drawing and photography. I don’t know why, except for me, no one in the family was interested in this, did not support me, but did not forbid me either. The only problem was that film (and when I was little, there were no digital cameras yet) was expensive, developing and printing finished photos in the volumes that I needed was a financially unrealistic burden.

Everything changed when digital photography technologies became available to ordinary amateur photographers like me. Along with affordable high-speed Internet, the opportunity to take an unlimited number of photographs of excellent quality practically for free (not counting the cost of a digital camera, of course) became the reason for the explosive growth of my skill as a photographer. My secret, intimate hobby became practically the meaning of life; I spent most of my free time reading guru lessons and reading comments on photo gallery sites, but did not feel that this was somehow interfering with me. It turned out that self-education works great if you have a desire to do what you love, have a critical view of things and a tendency to moderate self-criticism.

I graduateduniversity and worked a little in the office, which is what my parents wanted. When I tried to say that this is not what I wanted, I only saw bewilderment, because... the office is stability, and my photographs are just entertainment from boredom and it’s unrealistic to make money from it. Therefore, on the salary deferredI bought a professional Canon camera with money and began to earn extra money on the sly, without telling anyone that I could successfully monetize my hobby and previously acquired theoretical knowledge. Of course, at first I worked “for food” and “for a portfolio” on freelance exchanges, dreaming of working as a professional photographer, but I clearly understood why I was doing this and was ready to make such sacrifices in order to realize my dream.

I don’t know how productive it is to wait for a prince on a ship with scarlet sails, who will bring you everything and do everything for you, but my tactics bore fruit in about 2 years. From an inexpensive wedding photographer, I have grown to a professional whose opinion is listened toColleagues . To be honest, my appearance is not that of a model; I can only explain my achievements by true passion and dedication to my profession, and not by beautiful eyes.

Now I am 28 years old, I havea loved one, your own apartment and a feeling of happiness. I work as a professional freelance photographer, I don’t have a clear work schedule, a dusty office and traditional “female happiness” with children and a kitchen. I travel a lot around Europe and am planning to soon move to a small Polish town where I have good friends. I don't know if I'm living right, but I feel like thisI really like life .