Don't scold blondes while driving

Don't scold blondes while driving
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Before you scold and mock us, women driving (especially blondes), I want you, dear men, to look at the situation from a slightly different angle.

In most cases, we women are forced to drive due to circumstances: we need to be on time for work, pick up/drop off our child to kindergarten/school, etc. So as not to bother you men, we ourselves get behind the wheel. Often a car for us is an inevitable evil that we have to put up with and adapt to. Simply because this is an environment alien to us, we are not at ease.

This determines our driving behavior and most of our mistakes. Well, about the sameman in the kitchen. I don’t want to offend many men who feel good, even great, in the kitchen and their culinary creativity is simply a masterpiece. There are those too. But in most cases, the imagination and skill of men does not extend beyond fried potatoes, and burnt ones at that. A woman is also not born for the kitchen - there are many disgusting housewives among us, but, nevertheless, this is a much more familiar environment for, and accordingly, we show the best results here. You, men, also do not understand many issues that women know very well, even if sometimes forced.

For men, a car is a material expression of their ego; they often compensate them for what they lacked in life, either the length of you know what, or strength of character. In any case, he is a welcome toy for them. And, of course, they are well versed in these toys; this is their usual and favorite habitat. Of course, these are not ironclad rules. I’ve seen enough of women who are professionals and simply excellent drivers, and of men who drive worse than the blondes in jokes. But these exceptions only confirmrule .

And finally: our roads and the driving culture of you men. Potholes, open hatches, lack of markings and lighting, icy conditions in winter, boorish driving style of the “stronger” sex (nine out of ten drivers on our roads are men) do not help us women not to be nervous and drive calmly, without making stupid mistakes. Men, you may remember that the rider on a horse was previously called “caballero” and from this word came “cavalier”, in the concept of “gallant man”. Why, having switched to iron horses, do most of you turn into cattle?

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