Reward for Forgiveness

Reward for Forgiveness
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

By 2000, my parents left me without a roof over my head, saying: “It’s okay, you’ll earn money yourself.” Where can a doctor in our country earn an apartment?

I wandered around strange corners for 10 years, rented rooms with hostesses, and earned money. I was able to save a little and was looking for a mortgage. Dad dies here. My mother and I buried him, and we were four children. Mom already needs supervision. It turned out that everyoneLove is only at a distance, over the phone.

Of course I forgave. She rented an apartment and took it in with her. And all hell began. I worked 10-14 hours. Whenever I return,Mom “doesn’t know what to cook to eat.” I’ll cook it and he’ll compliment me on how delicious it is. I lost weight to 46 kg, but my mother gained weight to 85 kg. She gets enough sleep during the day, and is cheerful and active at night. At first, my mother was silent. Then she asked me not to make noise, I had to go to work early. She has become even more active! The apartment is small, after two years I’ve lost my nerves, I can already hear rustling noises at night, and here, at least small, there’s laundry, or a nightly dinner and breakfast. And even inexplicable behavior like wiping a toilet seat with a hand towel! And everything in that spirit.

We lived at a distance from the age of 17, whether she was like this or became like this in old age, I can’t understand, but mom, where to go. She considers herself very cultured and intelligent. Attempts to talk with my brother and sisters end with the words: “we are not doctors, we won’t succeed.” Lately hermy health deteriorated, I took time off from work, rushed by taxi, and at the same time called an ambulance. I worked in a private company, they set a condition: either you are at work or you are caring. I retired, I sit and take care.

Is the whole world really at such mercy of God asdoes forgiveness and love of one's neighbor respond in a similar way? Is this how it should be?

By the way, she refused me back in the maternity hospital, she talked about it throughout her childhood.

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