I am a huge disappointment to my own mother.

I am a huge disappointment to my own mother.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 17 years old. I have a problem regarding my relationship with my mother, which I want to talk about.

Sometimes it seems to me that I am one bigdisappointment in her life. Mother always thought that I was her mistake. Since childhood, she treated me quite harshly: if I didn’t understand something (say, in class), she beat me, shouted that I was stupid, that I was terribledaughter . She constantly said that normal children behave differently. That I'm just such a loser.

I always wanted to please her, but at the same time I got used to being afraid of her. From early childhood I clearly learned: if she didn’t like something, punishment would follow.

Now I try to study well, I try to do everything around the house, I cook whenever possible, even if I myself am not hungry. Butthe mother does not seem to notice this. He says that I’m not doing anything, that I’m just pretending to clean something up. My opinion is not taken into account, only she is always right. You can’t share anything secret with her, she’ll ridicule everything and say it’s nonsense. Either he will remember test-antibiotic.com if possible, or he will tell other people, in front of whom I will then be ashamed.

My mother never tries to understand me, she only accuses me. If I don’t do something once, she will say that I always do this, that I’m a terrible daughter and don’t care about anything. I can only fail to do any of my duties due to health reasons (which is rare). The strangest thing for me is when she seems to talk to me normally at first, but then at the same minute she can start a scandal. A storm can happen at any moment, for any reason or even without it at all.

I’m trying to come to terms with this, trying to understand her and treat her with understanding, but it hurts so much that I just give up. It is very sad that the dearest person in the world does not accept me, that my own mother does not need me. I'm trying my best to preserve my feelings as a daughter, but it's difficult.

I don’t know what to do next. I feel really out of place in this world and in her life.

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