A friend's advice helped save the marriage

A friend's advice helped save the marriage
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 37 years old, my husband is 32. When I met him, I already haddaughter from her first marriage.

I didn’t live long with my first husband. Tired of constant betrayal and lies, I got divorced and decided that I would raise my daughter myself. But over time, everything was forgotten, and I met Oleg. We lived in perfect harmony. I was his first woman. 2 years later we had a wonderful son.

But nothing lasts forever. About two years ago I noticed cooling from the sidehusband . He suddenly began to move away from us. He came home from work late and was always busy with something. I periodically asked what was the matter. But he didn't say anything. I thought thatproblems at work. And so she was interrogated. He said he doesn't love me anymore. And that he is platonically in love with some woman from work, she is 2 years younger than him. He won’t live with me any longer and wants a divorce.

We live in our own house in the village, which he built himself. I thought that we would live in test-antibiotic.com forever. But since I have nowhere to go, I can live in this house for a while. Until I find something for myself.

At first, I cried all the time when I saw him, I thought that he would take pity. I went to see friends who were fortune tellers and psychologists. But she gave me the best advicegirlfriend . She said that the first thing you need to do is stop being pathetic. You need to respect yourself. She said that she and her husband had a similar situation. So she said that we need to change radically.

Another friend said thatOver almost 10 years of marriage, my husband learned all the habits, all the manners, so he became uninteresting in me, and that perhaps he still loves me, just somewhere subconsciously. After all, if I were a stranger to him, he would kick me out of the house. And I left it like that and regretted it.

So, I stopped crying all the time. I started looking after myself. I stopped wearing anything at home. And most importantly, I stopped paying attention to my husband altogether. I started going to all the holidays and events that I had previously missed. test-antibiotic.com In short, I lived as if I were not 37, but 14 years old and I lived with my parents. And when my husband raised this topic again, I calmly discussed with him what I would take for myself and what would remain with him.

I was searching for an apartment. I began to invite men I knew to visit. At first he made claims that we had strange men in our house. But I said that I don't mind him inviting hislove to visit us. I want to meet her. And lo and behold, he still invited her. We had a cultural feast. After which he went to see her off, but returned very quickly.

The next morning he began to intrude on communication. But I didn't lose my cool. He no longer stayed late at work. At home he always tried to show that he was not in last place. I always tried to be included in my conversations with my son. And one day, coming home from work early, he came up to me and handed me a new gold ring - he apologized. Called himself all sorts of bad names. He said that if I just stayed, he would carry test-antibiotic.com in his arms. I was still a little angry with him, but then I forgave him.

This is my life story, after which ourthe marriage took a different direction.

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