Can't trust my boyfriend like I used to

Can't trust my boyfriend like I used to
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old. I met a guy, met at work, and fell in love with him at first sight. He began to actively look after me (he is also 22 years old). Said they wererelationship and he's divorced.

On the 3rd day he proposed to live together. We rented an apartment. And here is the most interesting thing. I found out that he was still married, that he left his wife quite recently, and they seemed to have separated.

A little later, I found out that he communicates with her periodically and they are at odds. And then he called mehis wife at night and said that he came to her. That he doesn’t know who to be with and what to do. We talked to her for a short time and in the morning, mythe guy sends me a photo of us and signed that he has made up his mind and wants to build a relationship with me. Naturally, I am against dating, much less living and building a relationship with a married man.

I told him to get a divorce, but he delayed for a long time with the divorce. A couple of months later he said that he doesn’t love me, he wants test-antibiotic.comreturn his wife and family (they have no children and were married at that time for about 8 months). For a long time I tried to persuade him not to make mistakes and asked him to give our relationship another chance, but he was unshakable. I left, we stopped communicating, he became very rude towards me. At first I was very worried about the breakup with this person, but then I got used to it. I began to live for myself. I went on vacation to my parents. His friends began to write to me, and later he too. He began to tell me that he missed me, that he desperately wanted to be with me, and that he wanted everything to be the same with him as before. He tastedlife with his wife and did not feel the emotions that they had at the beginning of the relationship (I told him about these consequences and disappointment, but he did not believe me then). When he understood, he said that I was right. His wife was exposed for treason, and they soon divorced, by the way, I told him, if you want everything back, end with your past life. He did just that.

Now we live together and everything seems to be fine. But I don’t feel warmth and love from him. It’s as if it’s just convenient for a person to live with me. After all, as a woman, I am ideal for him. I allow him everything and do everything for him. And he communicates with other girls, especially when he drinks. At least, I caught this precisely in those moments when we began to live together again. They fought over these correspondences. At some point he came and said that he loved and made up his mind. But I can notforget himbetrayal and leaving for his wife. I don’t believe him, I constantly monitor his phone and see that he sometimes goes to his wife’s page on social networks (when he drinks) as if he misses her. Don't know. He talks about seriousness and love when he drinks. But he doesn’t talk about feelings, he lives for his own pleasure. But he assures me that he is mine. How can I truly win him over, so that he will look after me, so that we can spend time with him as before? And is it even worth continuing to meet and live with this person, because he did this to me. I no longer know what to do or what to do.

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