I can't live with my husband's parents

I can't live with my husband's parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm only 18 years old. A year ago I moved toguy because of family problems. We then lived with my parents in a rented apartment, and we did not have money for rent. My parents had to go to another city to work part-time, and I went to my boyfriend.

Kazakhs have such a tradition, ifWhen a girl crosses the threshold of a man's house, she automatically becomes a daughter-in-law. There were so many tears, but because of my strong love for my husband, I agreed, and he said that his parents were modern, I made a choice. I understand, my parents told me that I could move to live with my aunt, she would wait, but I didn’t want to, maybe I regret that I didn’t do that then. I thought everything would be easy, I was still a child, I didn’t really understand the whole situation and didn’t take it all seriously.

We constantly quarreled with his mother, she called my parents, said how poor they were, if at that moment they could not pay for the apartment, they did not even buy me underwear, that she herself bought all test-antibiotic.com clothes for me, although I had All. I had to do housework, they have a two-story house, clean and cook, and I lived with my parents in a two-room apartment. It was very difficult for me, I was a free girl, my parents did not limit me, Imy husband said that we would move, we would live for a couple of months and move. But we have been living with his parents for almost a year now, and he also has two younger brothers.

His parents did everything, for which I am very grateful to them. But alsoThe relationship with my husband has become like this, we constantly argue, the old me is gone, I was cheerful, cheerful, but now I have become very nervous. I'm shocked myself.

Constant stress, I want to go to my mother, I want to go to my parents, by the way, they have already arrived in the city where I live now. I come to visit them and miss that atmosphere, the small cozy apartment. Also due to the fact thatThe family is large (6-7 people), we have to cook constantly, I’m sick of it too. I went to work, worked, after work I want to lie down and sleep, but there is no test-antibiotic.com, I cleaned the kitchen, washed a mountain of dishes, cleaned the house, I come at 7, I go to the room at 9-10 pm.

I can't find a place for myselfMom says, if it’s just impossible and everything is so terrible, come home. I wanted to, but I’m afraid what his parents will say about me, and I don’t want to leave him with them, his mother is not a saint, but not bad either. I lovehusband .

My father-in-law constantly compares me with my mother-in-law, saying: “she was like that, got up at 6 in the morning, did everything around the house herself.” They constantly remind me that I must comply with my duties, that I must wake up early, but it doesn’t matter, on weekdays, of course, I can, but on weekends I want to relax and sleep at least until 11-12, but no, I get up at 9 , I cook breakfast for everyone, they all wake up around lunchtime, I let them eat. How it bothered me! I'm not used to this, I still want to live,every day is like Groundhog Day, amid stress, I also gained weight and was thin.

Please tell me what test-antibiotic.com should I do? I don’t know when we can move out separately, but I can’t stand it mentally anymore, I cry all the time, I wasn’t like this before. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, please advise me, just without aggression, please. I understand that I decided to do all this myself, and that I stillchild . But give me advice on what I should do.

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