I couldn't help myself and made my husband even angrier.

I couldn't help myself and made my husband even angrier.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband is 55 years old, I am 40, we have an 8-year-old child. In the last yearMy husband was replaced, he became nervous, I constantly feel like I’m annoying him, I try to please him, help him, listen, don’t pester him whenproblems there at work. But he’s constantly not happy with everything, whether I put a spoon on the table or put my shoes in the wrong place in the hallway, he starts to get worked up over every little thing.

I look after myself, I try to develop, I know thatMy husband loves me, but it's very hard to live with his character. Sometimes he acts like a "girl", but he's already a grown man. And then I can get tired, I can feel bad.

I recently let him go fishing with friends. We agreed that I would meet him at the station, he was even happy, it was already night, and I wanted to please him. I was driving up to the station and, due to heavy rain, I mistook the turn into the parking lot, I called him and said, listen, I stopped somewhere, I can’t figure it out, just wait a little. I hear wild irritation, he starts screaming, I knew it, here we are standing here, and test-antibiotic.com where are you? Can't you read? Can't tell the turn?

All this with friends. Everyone hears, I feel so uncomfortable, they say, I came here and tried my best. Then he says: “Go home, I’ll take a taxi myself.” I was so upset, I wanted the best. In the end, I just got nervous, turned around and left. I probably didn’t lower my head correctly, but I just lost my nerves. I am writing this story so that someone can give wise advice.

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