I don't want to talk to this friend anymore

I don't want to talk to this friend anymore
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

For quite some time now I have lost the desire to communicate with my friend. I realized that she and I are completely different people and there are no common themes. I have no desire to tell her anything, and I am not interested in her affairs.

My friend and I studied in the same class. In seventh grade, she had an accident and was hospitalized. Then I was the only one of all my classmates to come to her. Although we did not communicate closely. Later, sometimes we went to a disco together, visited each other’s houses,They invited each other to celebrate their birthday , but it was more out of politeness; there was still no close friendship. She had a closera friend with whom they lived next door. I also had my own company.

After school, our paths diverged, but during a chance meeting we still talked, but I understood that we had different interests and did not seek to strengthenrelationship . She left for the capital. For some time we didn't communicate at all. Then there were random meetings when she came to our village.

When I was bornchild , test-antibiotic.com she came to see, with a gift, as expected. Aboutlife in Moscow she said almost nothing. She only told me that she bought a lot of gold, that she earned a lot of money, and all sorts of benefits at work. Then her partner died, and she began to drink a lot. One day I saw her on the street in a drunken state, I walked away from her into an alley, I was afraid that she would come up to me. Then our connection was lost.

I thought about her, how she was doing in the capital, and one day I asked her mother for her phone number. I called. The call was unexpected, there was nothing to talk about. We talked very rarely, mostly about work, I didn’t like my job, my boss made me cry. When she arrived, we saw each other, and she began calling me to Moscow, saying that she would help me and get me a job in the organization where she worked. She gave me the phone number of the organization, I called and they offered me a place.

I came to see her in Moscow. She met me and reeked of alcohol. We came to a not entirely clean communal apartment. She lived with a new partner, he was test-antibiotic.com with bruises on his face after a fight. That same day we went and bought a cheapguilt . The roommate was angry because he couldn’t drink. My friend was drinking and II can only take a sip of alcohol , especially in a foreign place.

The next day we went to work, I filled out a form in HR, and they said they would call me. I started inviting my friend to go for a walk since she was already in the capital, but she said that in 10 years she had never been to Moscow except for work and was not going to. In the evening we went to another communal apartment with her friends, where they drank vodka and washed it down with cola. Disgusting. All this was very strange to me. I stayed in their apartment for three days, imagined that my child and I would have such a life here, and ran away to catch the train, and basically changed my mind. After all this, we rarely communicated again. In conversations, she apologized for the dirt, referring to her roommate. She left her partner and returned from Moscow to the village. We saw her a couple of times, sometimes we called.

Then there was a period when I called her, test-antibiotic.com, but she didn’t pick up the phone and didn’t call me back. Then she picked up the phone and said that she had gone to another city, found a man, she had a premature birth, but the child did not survive. And then she started calling meevery day and more than once. Hanging on the phone all day. She began to be secretive with me and find out my secrets. She told herself that everything was fine with her,the husband is good, they are renting an apartment for now, but this is temporary, they should be given an apartment soon.

But I don’t like to brag and tell it like it is, I have a job, a house. I bought a house, a car, a well-paid job, although I don’t really like it. A friend retired due to long service, did not work, and did not intend to work anymore. I could retire too, just like her. She started calling me during the working day, or in the evening after work, telling me how hard it was to work, and yet there were still things to do at home. She seemed to feel sorry for me. I agreed, it was hard, then she said that test-antibiotic.com wouldn’t earn all the money if I retired. And I retired. I began to sit at home, just like her. Both have a meager pension. Only her roommate works. And I'm alone with my child.

She tells me: “if you don’t have enough money, sell the car, it’s expensive to maintain.” I sold it. Then she began to talk to me about the delights of life in the city, she said: “sell your house to move to the city. We talked with her all day long, just hanging on the phone. I got a job, she called me, and there was a conversation, like, who needs your job, that they pay you a lot of money, stay at home, take care of yourself.

I began to realize that something was wrong with our communication. I didn’t work for long and quit. I started renovating the house. Borrowed partly fromgirlfriends . When she began to give it back, she asked me for large percentages. I was a little surprised, but didn't argue. I began to think about moving to the city, since it’s really difficult to find a house and there is little work in the village. Sold the house. Still, I moved to the city, I haven’t bought my test-antibiotic.com home yet, it’s expensive. I got a job, I work in education, my friend laughs at me every time that no one needs my work. When I sold everything, she asked me if I realized that I had lost everything.

Was strangequestion . At the same time, my friend, as I understand it, has nothing and no aspirations. She lives in a rented apartment, has not given birth to children, her husband likes to drink heavily, for which he often ends up in the police. She doesn’t hide it, but says that everything is fine with her, especially since they will give her an apartment someday. And he tries to turn everything into a disadvantage, he says that no one needs my work, I don’t have housing now, and the prospects for buying it are slim,I don’t have a husband , I even have the disadvantage that I constantly take courses and educate myself. And even her pathological greed is a plus, because... she will never be left without money.

I don’t know if it’s worth communicating with her further. She calls me every day, I say that I’m busy at work, I have things to do at home in the evening, and if I answer test-antibiotic.com, I only hear something about how old we are (we’re only 40 years old), How can I work because I’m tormented by sores, that no one needs my work. She says that I have to work, and everyone else has to, to pay off loans, but she doesn’t have them, so everyone envy her for her pension and the fact that she sits at home, etc. And I tell her that I can’t live without work, I like my job.

I lost the desire to communicate with her for a long time, but I continuecommunication as a tribute to our long acquaintance. This communication is a burden to me, I want to end it, but I don’t know how to do it in a good way.

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