Should I take revenge on my wife's lover?

Should I take revenge on my wife's lover?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I will share my story and the question that gnaws at me.

My wife and I have been together for 9 years, married for 6 years, and have two children - 2 and 5 years old. And then came the moment that I feared most in my life - she cheated on me. This was not a one-time lust, it was a deliberate decision, since there was a period when there was no longer passion in the relationship, and she began to tryreturn life in ourrelationship , I wrote several times that I wasn’t happy with it and that it needed to be changed. I met her halfway, discussed everything, we even made progress in our relationship, but she chose him.

I felt everything almost immediately, but could not prove it. And after a month and a half of cheating on me (they met 2-3 times a week), I found everything, all the evidence, found their correspondence, compiled all the data, where she was, what she told me at that time, found out in what positions and when it happened what you liked and what you didn’t. This is how I learned her betrayal in every detail.

I realized that she fell in love with him. She would have left for him if he had not immediately told her that they would only havesex and nothing more, since he hasfamily , and if mineIf your wife doesn’t agree to just have sex, then it’s better not to start. But she, like a girl, fell in love, hoped that he would love her, and they had sex that I could not even dream of.

Say what I've experiencedpain and torment from his wife’s betrayal is an understatement. Now almost 3 months have passed, I have broken myself as a person, as a man, but I decided to try to return everything, I don’t really believe that anything will work out, since there are many reasons for this, and I understand that it’s difficult to call myself a man. I understand everything, but these “I love her” and two small children, whom I also love, do not give me peace. And there is one more reason, or rather two, why I decided to try everything again, besides love and fear of being alone, since a quarter of’s life we ​​have been together.

I also gained weight from family life, and decided for now to start getting in shape, in case of separation, so that I would be physically attractive to myself and others. I would also try and experience everything possible, everything they had in sex. But I have a lot of stress, my heart is always pounding, I run everything through myself every free minute, terrible pain. And if nothing had happened, I would be happy now, but sincethere was betrayal , and I know about it, then I’m unhappy.

I introduced the readers of the site into a brief history; if anyone is interested, I can tell you in more detail, there is a lot to tell.

Let's come to the question. Since I, like any adequate person, did not leave everything alone, I began to look for my lover and his wife, I knew that he was married. Myselfmy lover works as a shift worker, lives in another city altogether, and came to my city on a shift shift, met my wife at her work, he was her client. Even sothe guy seems to be adequate, and told his wife several times that I love her, and it’s clear from my actions, and that she has him, but the family is forever and let her think about whether she should continue everything. And from their correspondence, I realized that she loved him, and he was with her only for sex. But thanks to the 21st century and social networks, I found him and his wife, and photos from their wedding and photos of his daughter, I found everything, and now I’ve been sitting for two months and don’t know whether to destroy his family, or rather, whether to tell his wife about treasonhusband .

I talked to him about this, he, of course, begged him not to do it, said that for the first time in 10 years of marriage he made a “mistake” (my wife also called cheating a “mistake”, it’s funny when we have thisbetrayal was a mistake). And here’s the question: “should I write to my lover’s wife that he betrayed her?”

I really want to cause him the kind of pain that I experienced and continue to experience.every day . I want him to suffer, to suffer for his actions, not like I do (I do not suffer because of my actions), but I want him to suffer, and go do everything so that his wife forgives him. He told my wife in the last conversation with her: “do everything to save the family.”

Tell me, what would you do? The question is whether to ruin his life, since he is the only one of the three of us who came out of the water clean. To meeducation does not allow me to destroy someone else’s family, although I have already decided to do this, I will feel better from the thought that he is suffering. Please do not discuss the fact that I am a cuckold, etc., I understand everything perfectly well, and I no longer believe in us, and I am mentally preparing for a divorce, and that I will see the children only on weekends.

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