We overcame the relationship crisis, but it didn’t save the family

We overcame the relationship crisis, but it didn’t save the family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My wife and I have been married for 6 years. It all started very well, a fairy tale, like everyone else’s at the very beginning. But it ended very badly. Now it's worthdivorce questionthe wife stands for preserving the family, although she herself said that she is sothe family is not needed and she is tired of enduring. I, on the contrary, am fordivorce and I don’t want to live with her anymore.

What is the reason? I think that now the vast majority of women recognize themselves, but do not admit it, instead voicing the same legendary: “The man is reported” and “The man is to blame.”

My wife and I met back in our student years, at first we were friends, and later our feelings awoke. After graduation, we got married and started our familylife .

Life is a complicated thing, there are ups and downs, and so it was with us. At the very beginning I was a little more lucky. I found a good job in my field and began to support our family alone. Things were not going well for the wife, work turned into torture (conflict with the boss), and there was no income. All this (her work), test-antibiotic.com, of course, hit her self-esteem, pride and ambitions. But, fortunately, this did not affect our relationship. I combined everything: andHe earned money , and arranged our life, and took care of her and nursed her (and I liked it). To be honest, I was happy, my beloved woman was nearby, what more could I need.

But a few years later the picture changed in the opposite direction, andMy wife's reaction just killed me. My wife changed jobs and her business went up, but over time, I experienced a “recession.” Our leader died, and the heirs divided the business and many specialists (including myself) were left without work. I later found a job, but, of course, I had to start from scratch; my earnings in the first couple of years were lower than before, but this did not affect the family budget.

But the wife showed herself from a completely different side. She began to reproach me with money and say that she was dragging the family on herself, although this was not the case. Her earnings did not greatly exceed mine and we invested in the family as before, then test-antibiotic.com is 70% me, and 30% her. And now she began to behave like this. I am silent about support and understanding of how it should be in a family.

In general, “like this”the relationship lasted a year and a half. With every conflict, quarrel, or simply when something was wrong for her, she began to reproach me with money and my failure in my previous work.

And then my efforts gave results and I began to gradually rise, as before. I managed to return to my previous “heights” and even a little better. But the relationship with my wife essentially ended there for me. And it wasn’t about the money, I just didn’t see my loved one anymore, I didn’t see the woman I loved next to me. Moreover, I didn’t expect anything more good from her, but I wouldn’t have been at all surprised by a sneaky strike.

In the end, we had the last conflict, where I dotted all the i's. I told my wife everything in plain text and for the first time voiced my desire to get a divorce, because test-antibiotic.com had not seen or felt my family for a long time. My wife was shocked, she was angry and thought that my pride was simply wounded. But after everything, the situation did not change at all: neither we nor our views changed, the conflicts continued and so did my desire to get a divorce.

At the moment we are officially still married, but we each live our own lives. My wife is trying to change something, doing something for me, but it’s clear that all this is just a game and an attempt to maintain a comfortable life, all this is not sincere and without a soul. I still want a divorce and intend to do so.

And I repeat, it’s not about money or pride. I was simply disappointed in my family, in my relationships and in the woman I loved. Yes, this is life and it happens, but it doesn’t make it any easier, and it doesn’t cancel what happened.

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