What should I focus on?

What should I focus on?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never thought I would be faced with such a situation, at least so soon.

We got married in 2011. I was already pregnant, but it was not just an accident. I warned you right awayhusband that's the second timeI won't get married until we succeedchild (in the first marriage for 7 years nothing worked out). We lived quietly, bought an apartment, was bornson . A couple of times I caught my husband calling prostitutes, but he didn’t give any more reason - always at night, in the evenings at home, everythingmoney to the house, kind and affectionate.

In 2013, I wanted to return to work - I was bored at home. But with a small salary and a road across the whole city, I decided that while my age allowed, I should give birth to a second one. This spring I became pregnant.

And since the summer, it’s as if the husband has been replaced. No, he was still the same, but somehow more distant. He began to call me less during the day, even if there was a reason, and thought more about something. I decided to follow him. Almost immediately I found out that during his lunch break he was sleeping with his test-antibiotic.com colleague.

There was a long, difficult conversation in which I tried not to become too hysterical. The husband said that everything was in the past with her, her relativesThey ended their relationship , but they will continue to be friends and work together. Claimed that it was onlysex . I reluctantly believed it.

Today he slept with her again. I no longer have any emotions. I just don't know what to do. I have a baby in a week, plus our first son is 3 years old. Now it will be such a hassle with divorce, with exchanging apartments, with moving... AlthoughMy husband is against divorce, and I’m not eager to act out of the blue. Where am I going with my baby?

There is emptiness in my soul. Maybe I'm just afraid to change something in my life? Or should we start treating him only as a money bag, a means to provide for children? Forget about love, romance, focus on motherhood?

I know that I’m not the first and I’m not the last to find myself in such a situation, but I really wanted to talk it out. Thanks for reading.

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