I hate people with many children

I hate people with many children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know why, but before the birth of my child, I dreamed of having 5 children, I was touched by the sight of mothers with many children, and even envied them a little. I left urgentlyget married to befamily Children. But when I finally got pregnant, I felt worthless.

I was very upset that I, as the last person, sat at home and waited for the birth. By the 7th month, I began to hate the child living inside me, constantly throwing tantrums and scandals to my husband. Even then I decided that I would never get pregnant or give birth again. Even though they told me that after the birth of the child a year would pass and I would want a child again... No, 3.5 years have already passed, and every day I feel worse and worse about the fact that someone gets pregnant, I don’t want it anymore have a second child. This does not mean that I treat mine badly, on the contrary, I give it my all.

I began to hate those with many children, who have 3, 5 and 10+ children, and began to make jokes at their expense. Other people's children have become disgusting to me, test-antibiotic.com it seems to me that they are dirty, snotty, and constantly yelling. I don’t understand why pregnant women are happy, especially if they haveThe child is far from the first. Psychologists and psychiatrists are powerless.

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