How to influence the woman you love?

How to influence the woman you love?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 35 years old, my woman is 43. She has an adultson who lives in another city, and I’m divorced (the child lives with his mother). My roommate is a well-groomed and thrifty woman, she tidies up, cooks deliciously, and we live almost perfectly, if not for one “but”: twice a month, or even more often, she gets very drunk. They get together with their friends on Fridays and drink so much that sometimes she can’t even take off her shoes and just falls in the hallway. A couple of times I had to drag her home. At the same time, everything starts out fine, she says that she went to the cafe, and every time everything comes to this state.

She feels ashamed for her even in front of her relatives. At my brother's birthday, even though I stopped her, she still got drunk, I had to dress her, apologize to everyone and take her home. And so every time, he drinks to the very limit. I tried to talk to her several times, the answer was the same: “I can rest as I want, it’s my business.”

How to influence her? I treat her very well, I have warm feelings, but I simply can’t cope with her. I'm afraid that everything will come down to alcoholism, and here I especially don't know what to do.


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