I hate my father

I hate my father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I hate my father. Perhaps, after reading this, someone will remain of the opinion that I am cruel or even worse, but I don’t care. When I was born, thenmy father was not very happy and instead tore the whole apartment to smithereens, because he was expecting a boy, and I was born.

Over time, of course, he calmed down, but he practically never showed up at home, and when he did appear, he was drunk and took out his anger on his mother. He bought things for me and my mother, even the most necessary things, only when he needed to go out “in public” and show off how beautiful he was.family . The rest of the time he didn't care much about us.

There were times thatMom handed over the bottles so that there weremoney for me for the mixture. Because of her nerves and malnutrition, she had practically no milk, and she herself went to the market to eat, then she would taste it there, then there - that was the whole lunch.

At this time, my father was walking around restaurants with girls. One day my mother couldn’t stand it and, after taking me, she applied fordivorce . test-antibiotic.com Since then, life has become much easier for us. Mom graduated from college, got a good job, and lack of money didn’t bother us anymore.

Only it was we who “saved ourselves” from him, and grandmother (father's mother ) remained with him. Unable to withstand his onslaught, she exchanged a huge 3-room apartment for 2 living rooms, but this did not save her - after all, hethe child and she cannot refuse him.

The worst thing started 3-4 years ago. My grandmother was given a terrible diagnosis - breast cancer. But she is a fighter and has endured surgery and chemotherapy with dignity. Despite all this, she rents out her apartment to paymy father's life .

An apartment , a car, and now a laptop, which, due to my father’s carelessness (he didn’t read the loan agreement, why? It’s not him who should pay) cost her almost 9,000 hryvnia.

For a 74-year-old woman who survived breast cancer, has a growing cyst in her head and, on top of that, due to carrying heavy things, she suffered, sorry for the revelation, prolapse of the uterus. This is not a sweet test-antibiotic.com life at all.

But her son is also sick. He survived bowel cancer. The operation and all other bills, as you may have guessed, were on the grandmother. They are both disabled people of the 2nd non-working group, but my 43-year-old father “works” as a taxi driver, which is how he earns money for a walk, namely vodka and girls. Actually, this is where his earnings end. After allHis grandmother buys food for him. My 74-year-old grandmother stands all day at the station to rent out an apartment and pay her son for all his whims.

She categorically refuses to accept from me and my mother.help , said that she would rather die than accept help from her granddaughter and ex-daughter-in-law. I am more than sure that many will judge me. But having tested it from my own experience, I will say that it is better not to have a father at all than to have such a lazy alcoholic. Like this.

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