The unexpected return of my son

The unexpected return of my son
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

20 years ago I experienced great grief; my son Artemka died in the summer. In the family we called him Artyusha, he was 17, he was the golden child, but it turned out that he was too careless, he dived in the wrong place at the headquarters and that’s all. For me, with the death of my son, it stoppedlife . I didn’t notice my friends, the summer raging around me, or myself. It so happened that my husband and I no longer had children. I just gave up, although we were still young, we got married right after school, Aremka was born a year later, so at the time of his death I had just turned 36 years old.

I abandoned everything, just sat and cried, sometimes howled at night, quit my job,The husband first tried to somehow support, talk, and then waved his hand. After some time, he went to sleep in another room. I didn’t cook, I didn’t wash, I didn’t clean, sometimes it happened that I didn’t even comb my hair, I didn’t live, I just existed. I completely cut off ties with all relatives, for me they all became traitors, that after a year they stopped going to in mourning, I didn’t want to talk to anyone, see anyone, I wanted to die, just die!

3 years after my son’s death, I began to go out, Artyusha’s friends began to visit me, we went to the cemetery together. 6 years after the death of my son, I began to communicate with relatives, slowly returned to life, or rather learned to live again, talk, smile, everything again, my husband was always there, helped, did not say anything. A year later, we received invitations from my niece to a wedding. At first I refused, but they persuaded me, then for the first time I parted with mourning, took off my black clothes and headscarf. After the wedding, I began to slowly come to my senses, got my hair cut, did my makeup, bought new clothes, and things got better with my husbandrelationship .

At the end of autumn, my husband suggested going to a sanatorium for 21 days, resting and healing. The sanatorium is lovely, in a birch grove, beautiful. My husband and I had our second honeymoon here and had a great time. I will say this, after death,I never dreamed of my son , although I really asked for him. And then before the New Year, I dreamed that was so cheerful, joyful and said to me: “Mommy, don’t worry, we’ll be together soon.” When I woke up in the morning, I was simply sure that my son would soon pick me up. I told everyone about the dream, no one could understand me, because when I told it, I glowed.

By that time, I had gotten a job, in January I had a medical examination, after which I was informed that there was something wrong with my gynecology. I will say this, I felt bad more than once, and the doctors asked me to go for an examination, to receive treatment, they scared me of an early menopause, which came this fall, so this was not news to me. After persuasionhusband , I went to the doctor, I will say that in our village there was only a gynecological office with a very bad laboratory, he examined meThe doctor rendered a verdict: cervical tumor.

This is it, I still remember what was in my soul, and this is where the end of my life was hidden. I didn’t hide, I told my husband, and he, in turn, called my niece, she lives in the capital, and together they persuaded me to come for an examination and consultation. I was placed in the center of gynecology and reproductive medicine, they ran a bunch of tests, examination after examination and no one said anything, everyone was silent, carrying papers, I couldn’t stand it and asked the doctor to discharge me, he agreed, but asked me to take another test. I gave up, I said: “You can go home and die,” I didn’t even care what was wrong with me.

The doctor looked at me and said: “You can, but just go, not die, you need to live for a long time.” I just smiled: “Doctor, I have a tumor, how long is life?” The doctor hugged me and said: “I’ll ask you to come with me to the ultrasound, for the last time, I want to show you your tumor.” I was surprised, why? I went, and he said: “Call your husband, let him also look at the tumor.” I thought he was mocking me.

They came for an ultrasound, I saw a huge dark spot, it was big, I burst into tears, and the doctor said: “Well, that’s why you’re spreading dampness here, do you want to listen”? I didn’t understand, he turned on the sound, and there was a heartbeat, he smiled and said: “Here is your tumor, she’s 21 weeks old, or rather they are, look at the two of them.” I was speechless, my husband cried. When the shock passed, the doctor said that everything was fine with me, my boys were developing normally.

On February 24th we startednew life , we were waiting for the boys to be born, I asked my son to dream about him, but he didn’t come. Thanks to the doctor, I carried and gave birth to my boys myself, although everyone said that with my age I would have to have a caesarean section. There was a difference of 12 minutes between the boys, when the second one was born, I saw Artyusha, the boy was a copy of my late son, he even had a birthmark on his back, like his.

We decided to name the first baby in honor of the doctor who brought them into this world - Pavel, but I wanted to name the second one Artem, but everyone dissuaded me, they said that it was impossible, it was a sin, and I gave up, the boy was named Alexey. Now my sons are 11 years old, Pashka is energeticguy , not a day goes by without a bruise, but Leshik is calm like Artemka, they are similar in appearance and in character, even the handwriting is the same. He, just like his late son, is interested in electronics and radio engineering.

Maybe up there they decided that I deserved at least a little joy? I don’t know, but I’m glad that I have such golden children and a husband who has always been there.

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