There is no peace even in retirement

There is no peace even in retirement
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Recently, my husband and I have become pensioners. It always seemed to me that at this time the spouses should have complete mutual understanding. After all, behind everythinglife lived together. Do what you like and enjoy life. No worries, no extra hassle.

But how wrong I was. I never would have thought that I would be sending my own retired husband back to work. He didn’t just bore me with his nagging and demands.

At first everything went well. Even more than good. I did kitchen and housework. And she spent her free time from cooking doing her favorite things. I weave lace and furniture covers. For me this is the best vacation. At this time, I recover and get a lot of positive emotions.

My husband has neither a hobby nor any interest. All his interest comes down to reading daily newspapers and watching politicized programs. I have no complaints against him. Each person has his own interests and hobbies. As they say, there is no arguing about tastes.

As long as he didn’t touch me, and I coped with my duties with, everything was fine. But it suddenly occurred to him that I was suffering from idleness and began to voice his complaints. And not in the most correct form.

So, he is engaged in useful activities, sitting all the time reading newspapers and watching the news, and I, doing housework, do nothing? I’m very curious, am I the only one who finds herself in a similar situation? Or do I have morefriends in misfortune?

All my efforts to resist my husband end in scandals. And this happens practicallyevery day . Now she’s retired. Yes, I wouldn’t wish such a vacation on anyone. It’s better to go to work than to listen to this every day.

But I’m not going to look for a job myself. He who has nothing to do at home, let him go to work. I told my husband that if he doesn’t want to getdivorce , then let him go to work or change his behavior.

Why should I sacrifice my desires? I don’t interfere with him spending time as he wants. I finally have free time after so many years of life, and it is poisoning my existence.

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