Resentment towards husband for past relationships

Resentment towards husband for past relationships
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met my husband in December 2015, and already on our first dates he told me about his pastrelationship . About your unrequitedlove , ingratitude of his ex, but he did a lot for her and her child. Left her an impressive amount before they broke up. And the problem is that this topic has become a thorn in my head. Every one of hisI now regard the action asthe attitude towards me is worse than towards her. This is expressed in all the little things.

In sex, passion on my part disappeared almost immediately after this story. I don’t want him, I don’t feel attracted to him, I don’t experience any strong sexual emotions with him. Although I love him very much. I always think that I am number two for him in every way. He is uninitiative with me, while he never tired of entertaining her. I lash out at him for no reason or reason. He really annoys me about this. Despite the fact that he earns well, does not limit me in any way financially, but even here I am in second place, because for her he earned more.

Now I am 6 months pregnant and recently, in a conflict, I rashly said that I would give the child to an orphanage, because I alone would have nothing to support him. He replied that he should be in the orphanage, since he had no time to take care of it while earning . While he had both the time and the desire to support her child, a stranger to him. This hurt me even more. I repeatedly think about the meaning of such a life, I break down more and more often and make scandals for him and I just can’t stop.

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