Loneliness in old age

Loneliness in old age
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am writing here out of pain and loneliness, rather just to vent. Are all old people, if they do not have a large inheritance, lonely with living children?

I live in a region adjacent to the capital, in a small village in my own house. I retired a long time ago and mostly live from the garden. Lives in the capitalson , married 14 years ago, granddaughter 10 years old. He rarely came to me, but supported me financially. They rarely communicated with their daughter-in-law, congratulated each other on holidays, inquired abouthealth and so on little things. Until recently, I thought that I was very lucky to have her, she is always polite, calm, and loves my son.

At the beginning of summer, my granddaughter hadbirthday , I decided to go to them, no matter how important the anniversary is. And the conversation was not over the telephone. I offered them to sell my house and land and buy a one-room apartment closer to them, and said that it’s hard for me alone in my house without a man, it’s easier in the city. I understand that there is unlikely to be enough money from the sale, the house is not that great, but the first test-antibiotic.com contribution will be enough, and then decide for yourself whether you want to arrange an apartment for my son or for my granddaughter right away.

The son waved his hands, why sell, they have enough extra apartments, let’s ask the tenants to move out before the fall and we’ll take you awayMother . They actually have three apartments, two of which are rented out. Athe daughter-in-law smiled so wickedly and calmly said: “firstly, there are no extra apartments, and secondly, it’s not they who have apartments, but she.” And she added, does my son want a mortgage and full board for his mother? Please. But then they will live with a separate budget. And she doesn’t need a mother-in-law within walking distance, to whom her son will go not just a couple of times a year, but run every weekend.

I didn’t expect this, I tried to convince her that she shouldn’t be so cruel and callous, she and I always had goodrelationship . My son stood up for me, but my daughter-in-law just shrugged her shoulders, saying, who is she to forbid a child to live with his mother? Want? Should I pack my things? And the son fell silent. When he accompanied me to the station, test-antibiotic.com apologized and said that he could not afford both a family and a mortgage for me, so my mother should live where she lived.

I said: “Son, is it really about the mortgage? Your wife doesn’t consider you anything, she reproaches you with housing, sheyour mother doesn't want to know, you havethe daughter is growing up, who she will grow up to be with such a mother, children see everything!” My son pursed his lips and looked at me so gloomily and said: “Mom, what are you offering me now? Should I take my daughter and go with her to your village, or should the three of us live in a one-room apartment with a mortgage?” Here I flared up (in vain, of course, but it boiled over), and said: “What are you offering me? Should I go back to the village and die of hunger, or lie flat in the garden so as not to die of starvation, or wait until the roof of our old house collapses on me?” It won't be long now! How's yoursyour father died, so no one is doing the repairs, you can’t be questioned, and there’s no money to hire people. The son chuckled and said: “that’s right.”my wife said that you would use test-antibiotic.com money to turn everything around, so she would have told you directly to give more, since there is not enough, they would not have refused.” I just waved my hand, and what does that have to do with it?money , I don't need it. I wanted human participation.

My son stopped sending money and doesn’t answer calls. How is this possible?

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