The mistakes of youth are in the past

The mistakes of youth are in the past
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The beginning of my confession can be read here.

At that moment I took the guys with me and went to the address of the car dealership owner. Upon arrival we saw visiting guys. Initially I tried to explain to them in words that in our city they don't behave like that, that he wasn't in the apartment, but there was a 4-year-old girl in the apartment whom they scared. But the guys were all emotional and didn't listen to anything, they even told me in a commanding tone that then I should open these doors.

I didn't talk for long. The guys and I physically brought them to their senses and took them out of the city. I suggested that they never come back, and that once their problems were resolved, I would let them know or send this businessman to them. This was, of course, too much on my part, I knew that.

That same evening she called me againthe wife of the car dealership owner thanked him and asked until she was foundhusband , to look after her, because he is afraid for the child. I was not against it, especially since I liked her very much, and anger at herMy husband's memory was clouding my mind.

The next morning I came to her house to take her to work, and sent a couple of guys to the car dealership. In general, our rides every morning and every evening dragged on for 3 months. I already felt like I had fallen in love with her, andher daughter got used to me and was happy when I came. And at that time I had some problemsproblems . I knew that the whole gang of our city was talking about me and sharpening their teeth. But that's not the main thing. Ksyusha (name changed) and I were having a reallove . We were not sleeping, but were already kissing and cuddling in the corners. Her husband never showed up, knowing that they would shake the debt out of her, because she was the official director of the car dealership. But it was very unexpected when the regional authority invited me to talk. And on the issue that this swindler (Ksyusha's husband) approached him about. His complaint sounded like this: "I paid you for protection, and when out-of-towners arrived, you did not defend me and even started looking for me together with them. And in the end, you took away the car dealership, my wife and even my daughter."

After my conversation with the authority, we came to the conclusion that he was closingthe issue with the gang from other cities, and I leave the car dealership and his wife. But already at night Ksyusha called me and cried, asking me to help her. Of course, I came and, entering the entrance, I saw how her husband, not seeing me behind him, was shouting and insulting her throughout the entire entrance. Ksyusha and their little daughter were crying outside the door. I tugged him by the jacket and pulled him out into the street. On the street, I suggested that we solve everything like men. But he got scared, sobered up and said that he didn’t need them, andthis apartment is his. The apartment was on the first floor and Ksyusha heard everything. I suggested that she pack her things and go to my place. She packed her things, but asked to be taken to her parents (he also took her car). Then there were many more meetings with him with his new roof. But there were no meetings with Ksyusha.

Time passed after another trip to Moscow, I opened a company, bought a small limestone quarry and began working officially. I really liked it. I sent wagons of limestone to cement plants, they sent me cement in the same wagons. We don’t have a cement plant in our city, so cement is expensive, and I received it at cost. I quickly captured the market. The work was all set up, I just went around the cities and signed contracts and acts. Everything suited me, but I just couldn’tforget about Ksyusha. And I couldn't resist and called her in the evening. To my delight, she was glad to hear from me. I found out that she was renting an apartment because her parents were trying to persuade her to return to her husband. I suggested that we meet. She agreed, but only near the entrance to her rented apartment.

Then there was a lot. We got married, I have a business, I moved away from the criminal romance. About 7 years ago in our region they put practically all the authorities in jail. They took me too, but they let me go because of the statute of limitations. My wife gave birth to another daughter, the eldest calls me daddy (I love her like my own)My son comes in the summer and for the New Year holidays. The eldest is now 14, the youngest is 3, and my son is 10. I love my family, my children and, of course, my best wife. I got my education by correspondence. And I have everything I need for a wonderful life. I thank my wife for opening my eyes. She often tells the kids that dad is a hooligan and they shouldn't be like that.

Now I'm riding on the train, I read other people's stories on my way home and decided to write about myself.

Read together with it: