From the heart

From the heart
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm glad you were in my life. Even if it was not something light, bright, correct, but it was something real. Relationships without deception, warmth without guile. You were my outlet, my support, although you didn’t even know it.

It's so nice to accept, love, without cloggingrelationships with stupid, hackneyed words. You taught me a lot without even knowing it. You taught me to feel like a human being, you made me understand that imperfect does not mean bad. I had a good time with you, and sometimes the thought appears that fate is really destined. When I saw you for the first time, it seemed to me that I had known you for a hundred years.

Our paths lead in different directions, only to occasionally intersect. I am pleased to see you, I am pleased to communicate with you. Somewhere there is a regret that we will no longer be together...

Butlife goes on as usual. Our desires should not destroy the lives of our loved ones and wonderful people. They didn't deserve this. And we ourselves will be much happier next to them. I really want you to do well It is very important for me to know that you are happy, even without me, but happy.

Thank you for the warmth, thank you for simply being there when I really needed it. Good luck with everything.

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