Online game relationship with a married woman

Online game relationship with a married woman
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was in the situation described in the story I want you to be happy, but only in the place of a virtual man.

I just came back from the army, cold, hungry and not knowing how to live my new life. I broke up with my girlfriend before the army, she fell in love with someone else, and the otherI didn't find a girlfriend after the army. But gradually I was able to arrange mylife and found an outlet on the Internet in communication on the forum of one online game, and in the game itself.

I met her in the game and we started a relationship.communication , and then "relationships", but everything, as I already said, only online. I fell in love, she was ideal for me, notgirl , and a dream.

I understood in my mind that I had no chance – after all, shemarried , they have two children, the youngest is only one year old, and the oldest is 4. But in my soul there was a glimmer of hope that someday we would be together.

They were incomprehensiblerelationship , she doesn't let me get close, but she doesn't let me go either. She has a ton of photos and videos from all their family holidays, and she was terribly jealous of me for everything. And I was just going crazy with pain and didn't know what to do. I loved her, but I knew that she wasn't mine and would never be mine.

This went on for over two years. I lived with this relationship, it was myhappiness and minepain . But hope still died, and the reason is simple: her small but bright message “I’m pregnant again!” and a rainbow emoji.

I ended this relationship myself. I simply left the game and deleted my profile on the forum. I also deleted my page from the social network where we communicated.

To say it was painful is to say nothing. She said she didn't lovehusband , who had feelings for me, but her whole life was there, with her husband, and who and what I was for her, I myself do not know and cannot understand.

I know, it's stupid, I know, it's funny. But feelings are feelings. And it seems like I've gotten over it, and it seems like I've burned out, but I still couldn't fall in love. As if everything that fate had measured out about love for my life had long since passed.

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