The guy says he doesn't have money for gifts and flowers

The guy says he doesn't have money for gifts and flowers
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’ve been in a relationship with a guy for a year now, not counting the fact that before that I waited a year to get out of the army. We talked before this. In all this time, the young man never gave me anything, not even forbirthday . Although I always gave him something, even for the lastmoney .

But I was never offended by this, because he had just gotten a job and was doing an internship (the salary was small, sometimes not enough for his own needs). I believed that if he had the opportunity, he would definitely please him with something.

And recently I found out and saw in the story that he gave flowers to his colleague for a professionalholiday . How offended I felt! I felt humiliated. It was as if I had been betrayed.

I submitted a storyguy . Afterwards he called and started saying that he didn’t think it was anything bad (as far as I know him, he understood everything, he just hoped that I wouldn’t find out). Now, of course, he sees that it was in vain.

I told him: “I’m very upset that during the year of our relationship he didn’t give me anything, but found money for some stranger’s girl.” Moreover, his money situation has not changed at all.

He started talking about how he spends his last money on gasoline when he comes to see me (we live in different cities). This made me feel even more uncomfortable. After all, I myself have sent him money more than once for the same gasoline, and more. I prepared dinner and tried to make him comfortable.

Now there is such resentment inside. A man who says he loves you, wants to be with you, doesn’t really value you, thinks that it’s more pleasant for him to please another girl, not me.

Maybe it’s my own fault that he doesn’t want to give me gifts? Give the same flowers? Maybe with my behavior I am destroying this desire in him?

Why the samedoes a guy give flowers to one, but not to the other? I'm interested in hearing opinions about the situation from different sides.

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