The guy doesn't introduce me to his family

The guy doesn't introduce me to his family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’ve been together with my boyfriend for a year now, I’m 29, he’s 31, but he doesn’t want to introduce me to his mother and other relatives. He met my mother after two months of dating me. Although mineAt first, my mother was a little dissatisfied, saying that I invited him to visit early, but then she got used to it, treats him like her own child, always feeds him, always has a good conversation.

He has a big onefamily , his mother gave birth to as many as 5 children, three girls and two boys. All are adults now. It so happened that I have no brothers and sisters. I’m used to the fact that in previous relationships, guys always introduced me to their relatives, and I think that’s how it should be, but with the current guy that wasn’t the case.

One of hismy sister lives in Germany, and somehow found her on social media. networks, I think I’ll get to know her myself, maybe she’ll make contact, in the end she didn’t know what to write to me in such situations. I am a very sociable person, I easily find a language with new people. Later, I wrote to my youngest sister, who lives with him, she turned out to be nice and contacted me and talked.

My boyfriend and I work at the same job, and it so happens that one of us might take a vacation; he planned to take it to do some repairs. But it was not there. His sister, the one in Germany, decided to invite him to rest for two weeks, I don’t mind, let him go, but when I found out that he had to go that day. When it's my birthday , I'm a little upset. I come home and write to her normally, without bad words, just asking her to reschedule his trip for two days, explaining the situation. To which she arrogantly replied and teased me that she and her husband could not reschedule their vacation, and that I should celebrate and come. I’m thinking, now I’ll take a charter flight and fly there. And after that she blacklisted me. I also calledguy , I complained.

Over time, I forgot about what happened, he congratulated me a couple of days earlier and organized test-antibiotic.comholiday as it should be. The day before leaving he falls off his bike and has a deepwound on my hand, called me to come and treat the wound. He had no one at home. Then, at about 9 o’clock in the evening, I wanted to leave, because I didn’t stay with him for a long time, he didn’t let me go. When I was already standing in the corridor, already wearing shoes, the door began to open, it was him who camemother , and he put me in the bath and tells her that we have guests. I went out, I saw her standing there, glaring at me with an angry look. I said hello to her, but she didn’t even answer. I left their apartment in shock. He comes out after 5 minutes and says that his mother does not like guests.

I tried to talk to him about this topic, he immediately changed the topic to another. Then I couldn’t come to my senses from such an acquaintance. She decided that she would never set foot near him again, and even when he was on his own, so as not to catch her eye again. I am now shocked by his family and don’t know how to build furtherfuture with him. After all, he himself is a good person. But his mother shocked me with her inhospitability.

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