Pause in relationships or separation forever?

Pause in relationships or separation forever?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The guy is 28 years old, I’m 24. We broke up and got back togetherrelationship within 4 years at least 5 times. There was no cheating or physical violence. Our relationship after some conflict ended in resentment and ignorance on his part, and subsequently in separation. After a while we met each other and got back together again.

Six months ago, after a short period of no communication between us, he came to my home with an apology for all the bad things that happened between us and a request to accept him again, with promises to change and build a family with me. I doubted the sincerity of his words for a long time, but still decided to give him a second chance.

The first few months everything was fine, I believed that the relationship was developing and everything would work out for us. I remembered that he used to be very touchy, and smoothed out any misunderstanding between us, it seemed as if he was also making compromises. But over the last month, he started making strange jokes, like teasing, that offended me, and I asked him not to joke like that anymore.

A week before my birthday, after another joke in my direction, we had a conflict, during which he told me that I deserved better than him. He said that he is boring, does not want to develop, that he has no money, and if I want to make peace, I need to accept this and wait for the relationship to develop for at least another couple of years. He has been looking for a stable job for six months now and does odd jobs, which is why he is very worried.

We took a short time out to think about our relationship and wanted to meet in a couple of days, but either I had work or visiting relatives, or he had business. And again ignored. On my birthday, he didn’t call me or write to me, although he was online on social media. networks. I was not at home, I was leaving for another city to visit my parents. A couple of days later I returned home, found a bouquet of flowers and a letter at the door, where he wished me happiness, thanked my parents for my birth, wrote that he would always love me and regret that he had let me down again. That did not want to part with me and was afraid of losing it. He called me “my baby” in the letter. That he would like to have a family with me, but askedI'm sorry for everything and will miss you very much.

I am confused because the letter looks like a farewell letter, but at the same time it is about love and with the words that he did not want to lose me. At the same time, it looks like manipulation on his part, since he had such signs before. In addition, after I ignored him in response, he found me either on the street or near my house. What to do in this situation: leave everything as it is and move on with your life, or call and talk to him frankly?

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