By law or by conscience?

By law or by conscience?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want advice, not even like that, I’m standing at the crossroads “according to the law” and “according to my conscience.” The decision has not been made yet, I will make it myself, but I would like to listen to people who are not interested.

I should probably start with the fact that I am a kept woman. Yes, it’s ugly, but it’s my choice and my responsibility. During my last year at university, I was forced to look for a part-time job. No, not handing out leaflets for 3 kopecks, but making full-time money to pay for the hostel, food, transport, clothes and other things.

It's not anyone's fault, it just happened that way. My parents got married early in their student marriage, when I was born, my mother was 17 and my father was 18. They lived a wonderful life, until the very end my father loved only my mother. And the grandmother, well, the grandmother, some are the grandmother, and some are the mother-in-law. Therefore, when dad died, I had just finished my third year. My grandmother asked us to leave the apartment and rented it out. But after her death it turned outthe apartment was bequeathed to me, bypassing other relatives, so my grandmother still loved me. But at that moment, my mother’s salary was barely enough to rent a room and feed myself, in this equation I was the odd one out. No, they didn’t drive me away from the refrigerator, they didn’t reproach me with money for the office, but I lookedMom then looked through the eyes of a beaten dog, seeing off every piece I ate with a sigh.

I was lucky, and my supervisor hired me as a young specialist in the field. The job was part-time, but it was enough for me, just enough, but it was enough. That's where I met him. The company where I worked was part of his family’s holding, he was older than me, much, everything about him was in harmony - appearance, mind and soul. But in such families they marry for money, and I simply became his mistress. He wasn’t married then, and I didn’t interfere with someone else’s family anddid not ruin the marriage . But we were never called an official couple.

When I received my diploma, a carefully reserved position as a small manager was already waiting for me, they took me out on vacation and opened an account in my name, where they regularly receivedmoney . What about me? I remained faithful, ran at the first whistle and disappeared at the first click, and earnestly collected money for housing (I didn’t know about the inheritance then). I had no illusions that it would always be like this; there will always be someone who will be better and younger. I protected myself carefully, but even an old woman can have a breakdown, the test showed two lines. What was in my soul then cannot be conveyed, as they say, I want it and itching. Still, I decided that “it was my own fault,” and now there would be an abortion, but I had to say it, and come what may.

The conversation turned out to be difficult; he wanted to keep the child, but was not going to admit it yet. So he said: “What if this is my only child?” After all the tests, an apartment was registered in my name, and a second bank account appeared in the bank for the child. A few years after the birth of our daughter, ourthe relationship with the man came to naught (he had already been married for the last year and it is clear that not to me). The only condition for its support is for nowthe daughter will not become an adult, no men. Well, it’s fair that whoever pays calls the tune.

Now my daughter is already in the second grade, and money is still flowing into both bank accounts, I still work in my specialty in his company, I have even achieved some career success (what else can I do if I have no personal life? ?). But this is all, as they say, my concern and responsibility.

But trouble came from an unexpected source. Either my mother became bored with life, or she was inspired by my example and also decided to have a childgive birth to a boss. And no matter how much I tried to prove to her that you shouldn’t meddle in someone else’s family, that my case is unique, that there are 10-15 men like my ex in nature, but no matter what, she was declared envious, not allowing her mother to build her ownhappiness . And it’s not for me to teach her morals, she was having an affair with a married man.

As a result, my mother, at the age of 42, gave birth to my brother from a married man who played with nobility for six months and disappeared. Mom couldn’t stand the insult and went to get her license to the boss’s wife. He got divorced, pays alimony for all the children from a gray salary, technically set up his mother and fired her. Now my mother lives in an apartment,, which I inherited from my grandmother, I honestly supported her throughout maternity leave. She doesn’t want to go to work and argues thather son often gets sick in kindergarten, and even in the lower grades she has to work with the child, but she is no longer the same age to keep up with both there and there, she has no time to work. And with the eyes of a beaten dog, he whispers through tears: “You won’t leave your brother, will you?” It’s not his fault that he wasn’t as lucky with his father as your daughter, and children should take care of their parents.”

In all conscience,It's not the child's fault that he has thismother , in all honesty, I have money to support them, in all honesty. But according to the law, a child has a mother, not yet an old woman, who independently destroyed herlife and someone else's family, and her child is her responsibility.

I’m ready for offensive words, I want to listen to what people have to say, so don’t be shy.

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