Why is everyone unhappy with me?

Why is everyone unhappy with me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

II’ve been married for three years, no children yet. Lately, quarrels with my husband have become more frequent over cleaning the house. You will immediately say that there is nothing new, for manyproblems arise in the family due to everyday life. But for me it’s completely the opposite. I never scoldhusband for throwing socks under the bed, for not helping with the cleaning or washing the dishes. I am happy to deal with all this myself.

I have a younger onesister , and when I still lived in my parents’ house, she and I had different rooms, each with our own. Not only did she not help around the house, but even her room was in constant disarray, things were scattered, not vacuumed. If my mother and I did general cleaning, washed the windows, Ira never took part in this, she always said that she was busy and pretended to be studying homework. She even managed not to wash the cat’s bowl, although she was the one who really asked the parents for the little kitten, and they, unable to withstand her pressure, gave in. The sister swore that she would test-antibiotic.com take care of him, but over time she only played with him. She didn’t want to clean the tray or go buy food, she kept saying: “I’ll do it tomorrow.” But if I didn’t do something, Ira constantly told her mother.

Coming outWhen I got married , my husband and I first settled with his parents, although I wanted to stay at my house, especially since there was a separate room, but he didn’t want to. My mother-in-law never bothered about dinner; whoever found something, ate it, or cooked a big pot of borscht for the whole week. I love to cook and I can do everything, I can even bake pies, my grandmother once taught me, and almost immediately these responsibilities passed to me. But we must give her credit, she always has perfect order in her house. I'm certainly not as neat asmy husband’s mother , and because of this, we had conflicts with her more than once.

Now we already live separately, I am my own mistress, but only now I realized that my mother-in-law was right and drew conclusions. Everything in my house is shiny, the dishes test-antibiotic.com are never left unwashed, the bed linen is always changed on time, but now I’m dissatisfiedhusband . He says that I am busy all the time and pay little attention to him. When I start doing or cooking something on the weekend, he says: “Yes, everything is clean, no one will check you, let’s better go somewhere or watch a movie together.” It would seem that live and be happy thathis wife doesn’t nag him for not taking out the trash, doesn’t force him to wash the dishes, but he’s still dissatisfied.

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