Why does this guy do this to me?

Why does this guy do this to me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 19 years old. The guy too. Together for 3 years. Now both are at university. He has always been the kind of person who devotes himself completely to work and his responsibilities, and takes such things very seriously. I have always greatly admired this trait of his character (because I myself like to be lazy and do everything at the last moment). This year, his studies at the university became more difficult, so we immediately discussed the further development of our relationship. I calmly accepted the fact that he would pay less attention to me due to the amount of work (simply because I know that he will feel better if everything is done efficiently and on time).

Everything was very good,relations did not worsen; on the contrary, mutual support only strengthened them. But suddenly at some point it jammed. For two days he spoke to me very coldly, on the third he announced that he needed a break in our communication (namely in communication, but not in relationships, I clarified), because he could not develop relationships due to the fact that we communicate little . To which I answered him that it was test-antibiotic.com his initiative, which I took for his well-being (and therefore for mine, because it is important for me that he be calm). He replied that he knew this, but physically he could not devote more time to me.

Knowing that he often wants to be alone to think things over and sort things out, I agreed to a break, hoping that it would take several weeks, after which a serious conversation would take place to decide the future outcome of the relationship. But to my surprise, after 3 days he showed up. At first our conversation was very awkward, he looked like he wanted to tell me something. But later everything went well, we had a very nice and fun conversation, he showed care and attention, he was very nice and friendly.

Now 2 weeks have passed since the “start of the break”, we continue to communicate in the same way. I can’t say that everything is the same as before, we communicate even less than before, but when we are together I see care and interest. But our relationship became less romantic. Question: what kind of break is this? For what reasons could he test-antibiotic.com take it? And maybe someadvice to support him, to show him that I am always there for him, that he has support, because I am inclined to believe that he is depressed due to the heavy workload at the university, plus he had trouble in his family. I don't know how to save a relationshipreturn to previous level.

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