Why is it believed that both are to blame for treason?

Why is it believed that both are to blame for treason?
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There have been a lot of stories about cheating lately. It is often said that both are to blame for treason. Yes, of course, in whatrelationships , how harmonious, close or vice versa, relatively speaking, both partners are to blame. Because a relationship is a union that depends on two people, that is, one cannot make a difference.

But the person who cheats is definitely to blame for cheating. Well, if only because a person is not weak-willed, he makes a choice in any case, and this choice depends on him, and not on external circumstances. Quite often, people cheat by accident, it wasn’t planned, but it happened, but the person who cheats still makes a choice based on their desires.

Whatever the grievances, the reasons, whatever, at the moment of betrayal you should understand that you are sinking below the plinth, causingpain to your partner (husband, wife,guy , girl). You are smearing his honor and dignity in the mud. I don’t understand how you can change, and then also look for reasons and blame the other half for it. Yes,sex is important, but it is part of a more trusting and deep test-antibiotic.com relationship. I don’t agree that both are to blame for treason. The one who pulled the trigger is always to blame. What do you think, dear readers?

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