Why can a husband have a stash, but a wife can’t?

Why can a husband have a stash, but a wife can’t?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Many husbands have a habit of keeping a stash so that they have personalmoney , and not ask or report to my wife every time. I'm not sure, but sometimes I suspect that mymy husband has such stashes, but I never thought about secretly putting some money aside for myself from my salary. When I bought clothes or shoes for myself,My husband considered it unnecessary, so I always said a lower price so as not to irritate him.

One day we got a bonus at work, andA friend suggested spending it on myself. I said that I would have to explain it to my husband somehow. "You don't need to explain anything or say how much you earn, you always need to have your own stash," I heard in response. She said that she had been doing this for a long time. I agreed with her and decided to do the same.

For some time I managed to do this, I bought myself cosmetics, the real price of which my husband did not even guess. Various little things, once I even bought myself boots, which I had long dreamed of, but could not afford. The money was always planned out before receiving it and, as my husband said, for more important things, test-antibiotic.com than another pair of shoes. I explained my purchase by the fact that I bought it at a discount and that it added a little to meMom : I understand that it’s not good, but I couldn’t refuse.

But the conflict arose unexpectedly when I couldn’t resist and bought myself a new handbag. My husband suspected that I was cheating on him, and a scandal ensued. I tried to explain that I had no one but him, but he asked where all these gifts came from. And I had to confess, thinking that now my husband would calm down. But he was very offended that I hid money from him, and also deceived him. Now I repent and don’t know how to fix itrelationship with him, likerestore trust.

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