Why am I behaving this way?

Why am I behaving this way?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I can't even get on a minibus. Probably no one will believe this.

I am 36 years old. I have a lot, but I don’t have a lot. I do not even know where to start. I sit and cry. We need to go home. There are children andmom , andhusband . I just bought an apartment. Herself. For a mortgage.

Everything is fine. But I'm afraid to get on a minibus if there are no empty seats. Sit down, or even worse, stand next to someone. I calmed down and thought about it. I am the beloved woman, Imother of two daughters. I work, I am not a traitor and have not tolerated betrayal, the format is a little different from what we are discussing here.

I moved. I used to walk, now I have to drive. I have no rightshusband too. I love my job, my husband is also lucky, there is growth and impact. But I can't get home! Believe it or not, even if there is only one seat in the entire minibus next to me, no one will sit there.

I take care of myself. Men get to know me at work, I’m not such a freak, although I seem to be a freak. Now test-antibiotic.com I’m sitting and crying. She went and bought herself some cognac, maybe she’ll let go and become indifferent to other people’s views.

I want to eat, but I can’t eat on the street. I bought shawarma for my whole family. And I can’t even take a bite. When I think about it, they will say: “she still eats?” I know, my husband won’t understand, and no one will understand. They’ll say, you’re really freaking out. I have an extra 50 kg of fat.

Whenever possible, I walk or take a taxi. I don’t even know why I wrote all this. Just paying the mortgage for the kids. My husband doesn’t see the problem, I’m so relaxed, but not really. Am I sending a challenge to society, like I’m also a human being? What kind of person am I?

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