Help or stay away?

Help or stay away?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I would like to propose for discussion a story in the spirit of those where there are many unknowns and there will be no explanations, but a decision must be made.

Our organization is provided by one person: fixing something, transporting it, buying it, installing it. Work is piecework, upon request and call, more often when it is convenient for him. His income is not stable. He may work all day, several days, or may not appear for a long time if it is not necessary.

For example, the lock broke. The employee knows to call the man and ask him to fix it. He came, fixed it, received itmoney , at the same time I straightened the shelf, tightened the socket, etc. Whether he works somewhere else and whether he has a stable income, I don’t know. In general, he receives little money from us. He himself is a calm person, I saw him once, the impression was rather positive.

And a few days ago he called and asked to be hired as a staff member on a minimum salary, and told his story.

A few years agohis wife fell in love and left him, leaving two children with him. As I understood, he had his own house, but she had no place to live. The youngest was very small at that time. My wife came outmarried ​He also got married, supported his children for several years without the help of his ex-wife, and the eldest child is already an adult. Now his ex-wife and her new husband have taken out a mortgage, there is somewhere to live, she took the youngest and filed for alimony, and they calculated it for him based on his salary of 50 thousand rubles per month. The lawyer advised him to get a minimum wage job and provide the relevant certificates. So he asked for help.

The first impulse my husband and I had was this: my ex-wife is dishonest. We need help. But then the fog cleared, and doubts arose. After all, we know nothing about this man, nor about this story, nor about his wife. We live in different cities and can help, including a fraudster who wants to rob his own child.

It would be easier if he said that, for example, he was suffering because of the child, and without alimony, his ex would return it to him. But the conversation was only about money, which means he only told what he needed On the other hand, we are not close friends to pour out our souls.

As I understand it, he only has a few days left to file a protest. The decision must be made, one might say, with your eyes closed. What would you do?

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