After betrayal, there is no point in keeping the family together, even for the sake of the children.

After betrayal, there is no point in keeping the family together, even for the sake of the children.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Cheating wife. Do you want to know what comes after it? In case ifthe family remained. Of course, the family will begin to exist only conditionally, no one owes anything to anyone,treason removed all obligations.

People remain obligated only to their children, if they have any. And hererelationships after betrayal, if the so-called “family” is preserved, is a nasty and terrible thing.

I have such a family. Married for 17 years. Two minor children. The relationship was great. They were always close to each other and were the closest people to each other. And then you were hit in the gut, and they stabbed you in the back straight from the heart.

In my case it turned out thatthe wife went on a spree with her boss. Such issues are resolved as men do. I beat her lover in front of everyone, beat her so much that I broke my fists, then I even had surgery on my right hand.

All the employees and my wife, pale and stuttering, looked around, and I beat until I was exhausted and he could no longer speak. Then there was a showdown with the police, but it worked out - he got scared and decided that it was more expensive for himself to write a statement and go to the courts.

His wife also found out about everything. Still would,Her husband got off like that for a reason, and as it turned out, she had suspected him for a long time, but there was nothing to show. I also did “educational” work with my wife.

The children were taken to my parents, arrived home and off we went. As they say, he taught me to love my homeland. He lashed without sparing, he put everything into every blow. She flew all over the apartment, sobbed, cried, squealed, whined, but I didn’t feel sorry. I was beating all night.

In the morning, at about five o'clock, he threw her a basin and a rag and forced her to lick the whole apartment, then he drove her into the kitchen to the stove and forced her to cook breakfast and bake for the children.

At first we lived like this: the slightest dissatisfaction or bucking - that’s it, the children go to their grandparents, and we start anew, belt, flint, forward, learn fidelity and devotion, like dogs.

They began to live according to a new order: a ban oncommunication with friends, everythingsocial networks , etc. Her career also went to waste. In front of all the employees, the wife, without makeup and dressed haphazardly, wrote a statement “of her own free will.” By that time their management had changed. The “real man” turned out to be an “impostor”, got scared and ran away.

This came to me, of course, with terrible blood. It spoiled my nerves and took a lot of years off my life.

What we have now. Everything goes to the family and she has nothing but family. The children are almost adults and know everything (the wife’s relatives helped, they can’t keep their mouths shut).

We live according to the army system. For every minute there is an account, for every slightest offense there is a punishment (I don’t beat you anymore, but I keep a moral tight rein). In all the time after the betrayal, I had one conversation with my wife.

She tried to justify herself, but I shut her mouth and said that there is no justification or explanation for treason and betrayal, the one who cheated and betrayed is to blame, period. I also confronted him with the fact that now if he dies, I won’t raise an eyebrow or lift a finger. And before thatI would give my life for it.

This is how betrayal broke the family. No so the family, formally, exists. I don’t know whether it was worth it for my wife, but for me I will say that it ruined everything. The children will grow up soon, and I don’t know what will happen next. But the prospect of spending old age with a traitor at your side is not at all encouraging. That is how we live.

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