After I forgave my husband, his girlfriend wrote to me

After I forgave my husband, his girlfriend wrote to me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm tired of thinking for myself, and my opinion about everything is only one-sided, I want to hear the opinion of others. I'll tell my life story from the very beginning.

My husband and I have been married for 5 years. We have two small children. My husband would go on a bender once every few months. More precisely, he would go out drinking with friends and come back in the morning.

I was categorically against it, and the penultimate time I said that if this happens again, I will pack his things and throw him out. And this happened again in April.

We startedswear , butMy husband continued to cheat for a few more days. I kicked him out.

He came for a month or two, wanted to come back. But I had so much resentment on top of that that I flatly refused. But we talked, he came to the children. We argued a lot.

A month ago I tried to get closer, but he refused. As a result, a week ago we decided to start everything from scratch.

He lived in a rented apartment all this time. I recently saw his correspondence with a girl. There was obvious flirting. My husband said that it was all about work, so that her company would choose him as an executor. Yesterday he deleted all the numbers, blocked the contacts, so that I would be calm.

And today thisThe girl wrote to me. It turned out that they had been dating and sleeping for two months, since mid-summer. She sent me screenshots of their love correspondence.

I guess he broke up with her a week ago, because I saw a message from her then, like, let's stay friends.

I looked through his phone, but didn't find anything important or incriminating there - he deleted the messages, but the calls remained.There were several girls coming in at night.

My husband is currently living out his last days in a rented apartment, because he can walk to work from there, and we have now sold the car.

He came today, said that because I threw him out like a puppy, with only a small bag, he hated me. That I humiliated and insulted him, but he still recently decided to come back to me. And broke everything with his mistressrelationship . He said that I am more important to him.

I don't know how to believe this in And what should I do now? I'm on maternity leave, I won't go back to work until six months from now. Even the eldest doesn't have a municipal kindergarten yet, and I can't send the two of them to a private kindergarten.

Just three hours ago I was making plans with himfuture , chose a trip to the sea. Then I receive screenshots of love messages from her - and my world collapses.

I realized that I still lovehusband . But if I accept him, I will have to live with this burden all my . Will I ever forget it? For me it's alwaysspiritual betrayal was stronger than physical betrayal. And those screens hurt me much more than the news of intimacy.

Tell me how you see it.

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