I keep falling in love with the wrong guys

I keep falling in love with the wrong guys
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My problem is that I am veryamorous ​When I was free, I fell in love very often, or maybe it was just sympathy. Now I haveguy , we've been together for more than 2 years. For 1.5 years I loved him very much, I didn’t even look at others. I couldn't imagine that anyone could be better.

But, of course, everything was far from ideal. He often didn't keep his promises. Once they started living together, they stopped going anywhere. Wherever I called him, he was always busy or tired, but he was always free for friends. Besides, his friends always hung out at our house, I was already tired of going to the bathroom to change clothes. Then it so happened that we moved to different cities because of work. After living apart for several months, I fell in love with someone else. And I wanted to leave my boyfriend, I didn’t tell him about falling in love, but I said that I wanted to break up, citing his empty promises as the reason.

He asked for a chance, I forgave him. And to that other oneThe guy’s crush lasted a couple of months, test-antibiotic.com, but I practically never intersect with him. After that, I began to look at other guys and compare them with mine. I looked at the couples I knew and envied them. Everyone and the guys spend time together, go somewhere. And my boyfriend and I are each with our own friends, and together we only watch TV.

Some more time passed, and I fell in love with a work colleague, he works remotely, and we only see each other at corporate events and other informal meetings. He is funny and interesting, we have the same musical tastes. He was telling me something, and I realized that I was thinking the same thing. I again wanted to run away from my boyfriend, he began to irritate me.

By the way, we are still in different cities (it’s been like this for more than a year). He plans to move to my city, and I’m afraid that we will again spend the whole weekend in front of the TV, which will again be hisbrother and friends will behang out with us every day . Alsohealth problems have appeared... And I’m afraid that he will start reproaching me for moving only because of me (he doesn’t like my city). test-antibiotic.com And I will stay with him out of guilt or habit. I think about that other guy all the time. I don’t know if any of my crushes were mutual; I tried not to show my feelings. I don’t know who to talk to about this topic, I’m afraid they won’t understand. That’s why I’m writing here, I really want to just talk it out.

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