Divorce and children

Divorce and children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In the comments to the story “My husband doesn’t care about me,” there was an ambiguous opinion that children will grow up and leave, so a woman needs to buildlife without looking back at them. Tired of ithusband - divorce, live the way you want.

I would like to share a real life incident, it didn’t happen to me, but to not very distant relatives, but I remember the incident well, even though it all happened quite a long time ago. I’ll change the names in the story, sorry about that.

There lived a woman named Larisa. She was a married lady, at that time marriedmarried and gave birthdaughter quite late, already at 22 years old. The daughter's name was Irina. The family was strong, Larisa’s husband was Evgeniy the man was simple, but handy, worked at a factory, had no bad habits, didn’t even smoke, was not seen in connections that discredited him, respected his mother-in-law and regularly repaired her country house. He raised his daughter according to the biblical principle - do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery. The husband could, if necessary, even twist his ears if his daughter was bullied in the yard or at school. But as usual, test-antibiotic.com the man was down-to-earth and never romantic.

And then somehow the factory gave him a ticket to one of the former Soviet republics, where he poisoned his daughter and his wife. And after his return, Evgeniy was showered with reproaches and complaints: he doesn’t care, he doesn’t carry him in his arms, he doesn’t give flowers, he doesn’t sing serenades under the moon, but Larisa deserves all this! And she put Evgeniy out the door with a bundle in his hands.

My daughter couldn’t find a place for herself, she kept beggingmother forgive andto bring her father back, she was then about 12 or 13 years old. And less than a year later, Larisa brought home a new father for Irina and announced an imminent addition to the family. The girl did not accept her stepfather and resisted this innovation in every possible way, for which she was sent to her grandmother in the village so that the pregnant mother would not get on her nerves. It should be noted thatapartment in which she built her familyLarisa's happiness belonged entirely to her mother, as did the house in the village. The girl grew up with her grandmother, whose house was still being repaired by her former son-in-law, so test-antibiotic.com Irina saw her father often,She supported the relationship , but her mother was passionate about the new man.

And somehow for eight yearsLarisa's family fell out of our horizons. And then there was a scandal, all kinds of gossip and rumors about relatives. It turned out that Irina’s grandmother passed away peacefully, and left all her property not, as is customary, to her daughter Larisa, or even half to her granddaughter and second grandson, but specifically to Ira. And Ira, having guessed the moment when her mother and stepfather left to recuperate her half-brother, with the help of a crowbar and documents for real estate ownership, opened the apartment, changed the doors and took out the personal belongings of all three to a rented one-room apartment. To all complaints there was an answer: “you kicked my father out at night in his pants, so be grateful for that too.”

While Larisa was making a scandal and trying, with the help of her relatives, to push her daughter through and move back in with a registered license, Ira sold the apartment, and the new owner quickly checked them out throughcourt (yes, we discharge minors if they do not have property rights).

Many years have passed since then test-antibiotic.com, and still Ira doesn’t want to know or hear anything, either about her mother or her brother, and she doesn’t even consider him a brother, saying that her father has children except for her there is none.

The most evil people, who also have a good, but very selective memory, are offended children. Therefore, before you tell yourself that the child’s opinion on the issue of preserving the family is not important, that this is a matter only for adults, and you don’t have to listen to children, remember that children will also become adults, and they will remember everything to you, and even if the opportunity arises to hit where it hurts , will do it without hesitation or much thought.

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