Divorce from a worthless husband during pregnancy

Divorce from a worthless husband during pregnancy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 29 years old. I divorced my husband a month ago. I am 5 months pregnant. The child is very long-awaited, golden. We waited for him for 5 fruitless years. As a result of IVF - and success from the first try.

Now from the very beginning. I went outmarried for love and immediately became pregnant. Meanwhile, my working husband could not come home from work sober. I had long moralizing, affectionate and caring conversations about the child and responsibility. In the 6th month of pregnancy, I had to have an abortion, because the child had developmental defects incompatible with life. My husband supported me very much, we went through it hand in hand.

A year passed. My husband started his old tricks: cheerful companies and drinking. He left the house and returned at 4-5 in the morning. I always forgave. At first without scandals, I thought he would react faster. Then there were frequent relapses, and I started to scandalize. With his cheerful waywardness, he earned very well. I was happy with that.

Then we moved, I thought that since the old company was gone, he would stop hanging out. No. The company quickly formed, and he began to regularly disappear at night until the morning. test-antibiotic.com He never apologized, kept quiet about where he was hanging out. Scandals, fights, misunderstandings at home. We wanted to get a divorce more than once, but I never made up my mind.to be left alone .

And I decided on IVF. I always wanted a child. The problem was in me. And — luck. From the very beginningthe pregnancy was at risk. I was lying at home and sent him urgently for injections. He left the house and returned only at 9 am drunk and without injections.

At this time at home I was shaking all over and praying to God that everything would be okay with my husband, lying doubled over in pain on the bed. In the morning I called my mother and asked for help, so that she would bring me injections and help find the probably murdered manhusband . That night I felt like I died. His phone was always off. In the morning I went down to the entrance to top up my phone account and saw my husband sitting under the stairs near the basement. More precisely, I, pregnant, smelled a strong odoralcohol and looked under the stairs. "What are you doing here?" he said rudely to me. I burst into tears, hugged him, examined him, test-antibiotic.com whether he was injured... What happened? Where were you? What happened?

He answers that he won't go home because his mother-in-law is home. He saw her car near the entrance and sat down to wait for her to leave.

Then there was a week of silence between us. I - because of the insult, he - I don’t know why. My mother kept asking why I didn’t make peace. I told her that a week ago we had quarreled because of his night out, and I, out of words and tears, rushed at him with my fists. In response, he kicked me with all his might, so hard that I howled in pain… I was alreadypregnant , he, of course, knew about it. In general, I often got it from him for my curiosity during scandals.

When my mother heard this, she came and rudely explained to him that we needed to get a divorce. He agreed immediately and laughingly. I didn’t wait for her or call her or ask her about it. It was her resentment fordaughter . Let's go and file a claim.divorce and a month later we were divorced.

From now on I suffer from loneliness alone and blamemother , test-antibiotic.com that I am now a future single mother. I suffer terribly, butI don't want him back . He didn't try to apologize or get me back. He doesn't suffer from losing his family. He has his own company and is very well off. He periodically offers memoney , I humiliate him very rudely on the phone and send him away. I am so hurt and offended that he left me pregnant and I just want to punish him somehow, at least with my contempt.

My mother is now forcing me to start communicating with him because of money. And I hate him for all the insults. And he is doing well, and has a lot of money, but I am doing badly and I can’t work because of constant threats of miscarriage.

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