My parents don't help me with my child and think it's normal

My parents don't help me with my child and think it's normal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Being an unwanted child in a family is very painful, and after reading this story, I decided to share what torments me. I'm the only onechild in the family, butMom always preferred to take care of herself, and I, one might say, grew up with my grandparents. They took me home only when I had to go to school, but for all the holidays I was back with my grandmother. At that time, she was no longer working, although she was not yet retired, I think that because of me she left her job so that my mother would return from maternity leave faster.

My parents also preferred to relax together, they took me with them only a few times, mostly they gave me to my grandparentsmoney and we went to the sea. As a child, I really missed them, I even came up with a story where I got sick and died, and then they began to really regret that they treated me like that. When I was bornson , I didn’t expect help from my mother, my parents helpedhusband , although both worked, and the mother-in-law also worked part-time by sewing at home. But still found time for her grandson. I was ashamed in front of them for thisattitude of my parents towards me, but they never touched on this topic.

One day I was walking on the street with Vanya and met my grandmother, who just came out to sit on a bench. It turned out that she lives in a neighboring house and often walks near the playground. Herthe daughter lives with her family abroad, and Olga Mikhailovna (that’s her grandmother’s name) misses them very much, she sees them once a year. We often began to cross paths when going out for walks, and one day she offered to take a walk with her son while I ran to the store and bought her bread at the same time. Since then, Olga Mikhailovna has been helping me, but she resolutely refused the money, saying that she was very attached to the child and that just communicating with us was enough for her.

Often I just take my son outside to her, and during this time I manage to clean the house and prepare dinner, while also treating my assistant. If she needs to fix something in the apartment,her husband helps her on weekends. Soon my son will be three years old and he will go to kindergarten, Olga Mikhailovna promised to pick him up in the evening if we can’t. I can't imagine what I would do without her! My mother-in-law also became friends with her, when they meet, they talk mainly about Van, I think that this is what brought them closer together. My parents rarely see their grandson, but they always bring him an expensive gift, probably as compensation.

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