My parents ruined my life and my dreams

My parents ruined my life and my dreams
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Now the saying “one for all and all for one” makes me laugh. At 40 years old, I don’t trust people, I don’t trust anyone, I know that any person can betray, for his own benefit, even his family and those closest to him can deceive and cruelly betray.

I was born and raised in a good, one might even say prosperous family,Mom and dad worked at a factory, when I was 6 years old, I got a sister, Lenochka, in generalOur family was in no way different from the average family of that time. In the fifth grade, I had a dream - to become a surgeon. Having told my mother about this, she praised me and said that in order to enter the medical institute, you need to study well in order to pass the exams.

All subsequent years I did not leave the library, I became a bookworm, I stopped being interested in the entertainment that teenagers are interested in, my main hobby was books and study. Of course, this bore fruit, and in the 8th grade I became an excellent student, a winner of various Olympiads, in my graduating class I practically did not sleep, I had a dream, and I went towards it. After graduating from school with a gold medal, I went with my mother to enter medical in a regional city, having passed all the exams, I was told to go home and wait for a letter of acceptance, if there is no letter, then, alas. I was waiting for a letterevery day , but he was not there, in mid-August my mother said that she called the university from work, they said that I did not pass, there were not enough points, they said that I had to study well, they would send me the documents later and sent them in 2 weeks .

The hysteria that happened to me cannot be expressed in words; for me then it was a tragedy. Mom later said that it means I’m not smart enough to enroll. Afterwards, of course, there were stories about how a third-grader from my class got in and someone else there, but everything was already parallel to me, I just sat in the room for days and looked at the wall. Calmed me downfather , he constantly said that I could enroll later, and I decided to enroll at the next year, but it didn’t work out. During this year, I got a job in a store so as not to sit on my parents’ necks, where all mylife . At 23 I leftgot married , got pregnant, butThe pregnancy turned out to be ectopic and was operated on. After the operation he left mehusband , complications began due to nervousness, inflammation after inflammation, two operations and in the end, at 26 years old, my fallopian tube was removed, the possibility of having children naturally is 0%. I live from paycheck to paycheck, sometimes I didn’t even have money for a piece of bread, but there was no one to help me, since my parents left for Canada 10 years ago to live with my sister Lenochka. After graduating from school, she entered college at the Faculty of Law, where she met an exchange student, got married and moved to Canada. After a while, I took my parents so that they wouldn’t be here alone, because they only have one Lenochkadaughter , and Katka is so not gratefuldaughter . And all because one fine day, my mother asked me to help my father clean the dacha, which they decided to sell. We spent half a day clearing out the garbage and among the heaps of garbage and junk, I found a box with 2 letters from the medical university in it. The first letter says that I was accepted and enrolled as the best of the applicants, they ask me to come and write an application, the second letter asks me if I change my mind, then I need to come and pick up the documents. I grabbed the letters and went to my father, he lowered his head and said to ask my mother. That evening there was a serious conversation without screams and hysterics, my mother just said to me: “Yes, I hid them, but what did you want me to give you the opportunity to go to study, and who would look after Lena? I went to the university and wrote applications on your behalf, saying that you are pregnant and getting married.” At that moment I had no words other than to send, and far away. My parents sold everything and left, and I rented a room because I didn’t have enough for more.

Five years ago I met Artem, we got along, he was married, butthe wife , having given birth to a child, was afraid of the responsibility of and ran away from the maternity hospital, writing a refusal of the child. His daughter Sofia is already 8 years old, she calls me mom, because when we met, she was 2 years old. Four years ago I got a job in a large hypermarket, it’s a long journey, but they pay more, 3 years ago we got married, and I adopted a baby, at the painting there were only Artem’s friends and parents, who call me daughter, my parents, when they saw the photo insocial networks wrote a comment: “Very beautifulguy , it’s a pity for him that he chose such a wife, we hope he comes to his senses.” Seeing this, the mother-in-law removed it and said: “Forget it, baby, don’t be offended by them, they’ll come to their senses.” And I don’t want them to come to their senses, after they cruelly crushed my dream and my efforts, I don’t even want to hear about them. I can’t understand how it was possible to do this to a loved one, to your daughter? Perhaps I may seem cruel to some, but I wrote my personal opinion here.

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