My own mother did not want to see me

My own mother did not want to see me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

At the age of 16, I found out that I was abandoned in the maternity hospitalmother , and my parents, whom I considered family, adopted me then. At that time they were already 38 years old, and they knew for sure that they could not have their own children.

I found out this by accident, when my mother and aunt were sharing their inheritance - my grandmother’s apartment. The aunt then shouted to her mother in her hearts: “I want my parents tothe apartment went to your own grandchildren, not your stepchild.” When she saw me, she stopped short, but I understood from my mother’s expression that there was some truth in these words. I insisted, and my parents revealed everything to me.

I was hysterical, at first I wanted to leave home, but the persuasion of all my relatives worked, andmy father said that in two years I will be an adult, they will provide me with housing, and I can decide whether to communicate with them or not. When everything calmed down a little, I told my parents that I would look for my dear one.mother . They didn’t argue, although I saw how hurt they were. But I started my search for only five years later.

I will not describe the whole process, it is quite complicated, I resorted to the help of a special agency. When they told me where my mother lived, I was at first confused that I would show up like this without warning to a woman I didn’t know, but they reassured me by saying that they had already talked to her and she was not eager to see me. She hasfamily , two sons and she does not want her past to become known. But she still agreed to talk to me on the phone. She said she was youngThe guy left her, and there was nowhere to go with the child. She cried and asked for forgiveness, but I persuaded her to meet only once. I just wanted to see what my mother looked like, if I looked like her. But she flatly refused, saying that it would be better this way. I just asked to convey my gratitude to my parents, who raised me and saved me from the orphanage.

I can’t understand how she doesn’t want to see me, what am I like, who do I look like? I told my parents everything and asked for their forgiveness. They love me very much, but I understand that I have caused them a deep emotional wound that they will never forget.

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