My son stopped respecting me

My son stopped respecting me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It's not so muchconfession , howA question for parents who are more experienced in life.

I am 35, my son is 12, divorced, he lives with me. exmy wife was ill after the divorce, I took my son to me when he was 5 years old. After his recovery, his mothers decided not to break his psyche, and he still lives with me. Time passes, I got married for the second time. We live together.

HisMom lives next door, also married. Now she has given birth to her second, she is somewhat not interested in our son (women who have had a secondchild , they will understand), andMy health suffered greatly after childbirth, but is now recovering. The son still goes to visit her. She might have it on the weekend. But she doesn’t have strict control like I do - when it gets dark, for example, she goes home and goes to bed on time.

My son studies, comes home, changes clothes, and goes to do his homework with my mother. Reluctantly, hysterically. He already calls her “grandmother” behind her back. He throws up such scandals and hysterics in order not to study. We tried to have him do his homework himself, but immediately slips along the marks, either forgets to do it or doesn’t want to.

And then ask, maybe he is deprived of something? If we put aside the fact that we are divorced (yes, I agree, there may be psychological trauma, but he treats both my new wife and my ex-wife’s husband equally well), then there were trips to the sea, dressed fashionably, physically stressed — sports section 4 times a week. He goes to extra English classes with disgust.

Six months ago, purely by chance, I found out that I was hanging out with the guys on the railway (we have high-speed Sapsan trains), had a conversation, calmed down, and doesn’t go there anymore. The phone is strictly limited in time, otherwise it will sit in toys.

I have a principle - I don’t physically punish, I don’t hit. I can twist my ears, but this is in extreme situations. Butmy son stopped respecting me. My new wife tells me straight out: “he doesn’t respect you.” Yes he is minebeloved son, I am kind in myself, so I don’t notice that he is rude to me and does not obey.

I don’t know,, what to do, how to make him study (graduate from school with good grades and go to a good university, so that later he can have a good profession that he will like and generate income). How to force him to pull himself together and be collected.

Please advise (well, except for those tips from the series that this is such a transitional age).

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