Our son and daughter-in-law are driving us out of the house

Our son and daughter-in-law are driving us out of the house
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My son and daughter-in-law rented an apartment until the second was bornchild . Thenmy daughter-in-law said that they would move in with us, and with the money they paid for rent they would pay for utilities. But I soon became convinced that this was only in words.

I immediately said that the six of us would be cramped in a two-room apartment. But my son hinted that his room was there too, so I didn’t argue anymore, and when they moved, I showed him his room. He was angry because he expected to occupy a large room with his family. But everything is fair, he wanted to settle in his own. And if you count, thenthe apartment belongs to the three of us, then ithis wife and children must live on his premises, that is, in his room.

This is where it startedproblems , our daughter-in-law especially hated us. She defiantly carried the crying baby into the corridor so that we, too, would not sleep all night from his screams. When myher husband remarked to her that we had to work tomorrow, she replied that our son and grandson were sleeping in the room, for whom the baby was also disturbing test-antibiotic.com. And she added that we are bad parents because we could not buy our only son a separate apartment, like other parents. I intervened and said that her parents didn’t buy her a home either, although they could have.

Now the youngest grandson has been sent to kindergarten, but the daughter-in-law is in no hurry to go to work, she says that she has the right to complete her allotted time on maternity leave. But why then send the child to kindergarten? The son is silent, although I see that I am also unhappy with my wife. She does nothing all day long, sleeps until lunch, and in the evening rattles dishes in the kitchen, cooking something when everyone is already resting.

I don’t know how much longer I can stand this life. They simply survive us, they do everything so that we go to live in the country. But I told my husband: “they won’t wait.”

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